Sergeant Rebecca Bretherton, Neighbourhood Policing reports: We started our week very quietly with very few calls for service in relation to incidents or crimes. This reduction in calls appears to be continuing week by week, which is excellent news and long may the trend continue. However, this does not mean that we can sit back, in fact it represents the complete opposite, we need to work harder and together not only to maintain the current status quo but to achieve more.
From a police perspective we are committed to high visible patrols by your two PCSOs Shirley and Stuart, and we will continue patrols by police officers both in uniform and in plain clothes who are responsible for 'stop searches' and arrests. Working in this way we have been very successful in disrupting the daily business of our criminals.
This seems an opportune time to mention that during this month we have experienced two dwelling burglaries, one on Wright Avenue, the other Allan Avenue.
These crimes have caused a great deal of distress. The residents involved are over 60 years and both came home to discover the crimes. It is very rare for crimes to be committed in this area therefore two in one month raises our concerns.
We have increased our patrols in this area and ask that if you see anything suspicious please ring in, it may be nothing but could result in preventing a crime being committed.
We have been experiencing a problem of door knocking at Nelson Court. This involves 3 boys who are continually knocking at the door of an elderly gent and causing him some distress. He struggles to get to the door and they have gone. We have given words of advice to the youths we believe this to be and have taken their details. Should these incidents persist we will be seeking the assistance of their parents in order to get them identified by the gent concerned. If you do know who they may be please let us know.
We have this week received 35 calls for service made up as follows: Rowdy Nuisance 8, Concern for Person 2, Domestics 3, Vehicle Nuisance 1, Suspicious Circumstances 5, Abandoned Call/Silent 999 2, Road Related 3, Burglary Dwelling 4, Civil Disputes 1, Criminal Damage 1, Police General 2, Fraud 1, Making off without payment 1, Shoplifting 1.
We have raised 8 crimes relating to: making off without payment 1, Burglary other than in a dwelling 1, Burglary Dwelling 4, Criminal Damage 1, Damage to a Vehicle 1.
These crimes and incidents have been over the whole of Stanground and do not relate to one specific area. This is both good and bad news. Good because it is not creating 'hot spots' of crime; bad because there is not one area, time or day to push resources to. So to help us - keep vigilant and report suspicions.
Best regards
Your Neighbourhood Team
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581 Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 Codecs G722 & APT All Press Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
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