7 PM
Heritage Park Primary School,
Prior to the start of the meeting, from 6.00pm, ward forums will be held for the Fletton &
Woodston, Stanground East and Stanground Central wards. These separate meetings
will give local residents the opportunity to talk directly with their elected members to raise
any issues or concerns they have in their neighbourhood.
This Neighbourhood Committee meeting will also include a display by PCC
Transport & Engineering Department on the Capital Programme of Works.
1. Apologies for absence
To receive any apologies from members unable to attend the meeting
2. Declarations of interest
Members to declare any personal/personal prejudicial interests in any items
on this agenda
3. Minutes from the previous meeting Chairman
4. Issues arising from previous meeting
5. Youth Forum
Presentation from the Youth Forum on progress of the project to introduce
new play/recreation equipment at Heritage Park play area, Park Farm
6. Updates on Matters of Interest Relevant to the Committee
a) Neighbourhood Champion Scheme
Opportunity to hear about the scheme launched in Peterborough for
volunteers who want to improve their local communities by reducing crime,
ASB and hate crime.
b) School provision for the Cardea development
Opportunity to hear about the progress for provision of a new primary
school to serve the development along with other educational
developments in the area.
7. Open Session
An opportunity for any member of the public, elected and co-opted
members of the Neighbourhood Committee to raise anything that affects
your area and to suggest items for future meetings
(C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE (non-emergency) 101 In an Emergency Dial 999. [Always request an INCIDENT NUMBER] If you have information about crime contact independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org.
I have concerns re one of the items - the street champion lady is a consultant so its hardly an inpartial item. If you would like more information please contact me, I am making enqueries.