Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch has had a long, expensive and frustrating dialogue with Persimmon Homes who own a huge site at the other side of the roundabout directly facing the main entrance to Park Farm. In addition Peterborough City Council officers have taken up the challenge of getting Persimmon to fence off and shut what is rapidly becoming the largest free flytipping site in Cambridgeshire.
We thought the message had sunk in but no sooner had the site been cleared then another load of furniture and household debris appeared. The solution is very simple fence off or gate and lock the entrance to the site and we can all rest a little easier.
The local Persimmon representative does not seem to have read the Persimmon PLC Environment Policy, so it's reproduced in full below. As a PLC, Persimmon is publicly accountable to its shareholders and investors.
They won't be best pleased when we alert the City to the fact that Peterborough -based Regional Managing Director Adrian Evans who ultimately carries the responsibility for Persimmon PLC locally is also flying in the face of the main board environment policy and that his managers seemingly have an unwritten policy of breaking promises and refusing to make the site secure.
Persimmon PLC Environment Policy
Persimmon plc is one of the UK’s leading housebuilders, with
regional offices and developments throughout the country. We recognise that our
activities have an impact on the environment and that we have a responsibility
to consider and minimise these impacts where possible. This commitment is
formalised through our Environment Policy, which forms a key part of Persimmon’s overall approach to Corporate Responsibility (CR).
We place great emphasis on designing our developments to be in keeping with
the character of an area, and to protect and enhance the local environment and
surroundings. We aim to make a positive contribution to the communities in which
we work.
We actively comply with relevant environmental legislation and throughout
the planning and building of our new developments we adhere to local planning
guidance and building regulations.
We have reviewed our environmental
impacts and identified those which are the most significant to us. These impacts
relate to:
• Minimising the amount of waste we produce through effective design and
on-site management.
• Making efficient use of materials during the house
building process, including the use of recycled and existing materials on site
when appropriate.
• Protecting and enhancing the natural
habitat and local surroundings throughout the development process.
Making the most efficient use of land, including the regeneration of redundant
or contaminated land.
• Designing our houses and developments to incorporate
features, when practicable and cost effective that minimise the impact on the
environment during their habitation.
• Preventing pollution occurring at our sites.
In these areas, we set objectives and targets against which we regularly
monitor and review our progress. This policy forms the basis of our
Environmental Management System (EMS), which is implemented across our business.
This includes detailed guidance and procedures relating to our environmental
impacts and how to minimise these impacts during the planning, design and
construction of our developments.
We understand that our stakeholders are interested in how we manage our
impact on the environment and how we are performing. We also appreciate that
they may provide views and opinions that can strengthen our approach to
environmental management. We will openly communicate on environmental issues with interested parties and report on progress at regular intervals on our
website. We will provide training appropriate to our employees’ particular
environmental responsibilities to ensure that they are aware of our
environmental impacts and their role in managing them.
Our performance is monitored and reviewed by the Persimmon CR Committee, a committee of senior executives and representatives from across the Group. Responsibility for implementing this policy rests with the Managing Directors of each of the Group’s Operating Businesses. On each site, the Site Manager is responsible for the day to day management of environmental issues and ensuring adherence to our policy.
Persimmon plc is one of the UK’s leading housebuilders, with
regional offices and developments throughout the country. We recognise that our
activities have an impact on the environment and that we have a responsibility
to consider and minimise these impacts where possible. This commitment is
formalised through our Environment Policy, which forms a key part of Persimmon’s overall approach to Corporate Responsibility (CR).
We place great emphasis on designing our developments to be in keeping with
the character of an area, and to protect and enhance the local environment and
surroundings. We aim to make a positive contribution to the communities in which
we work.
We actively comply with relevant environmental legislation and throughout
the planning and building of our new developments we adhere to local planning
guidance and building regulations.
We have reviewed our environmental
impacts and identified those which are the most significant to us. These impacts
relate to:
• Minimising the amount of waste we produce through effective design and
on-site management.
• Making efficient use of materials during the house
building process, including the use of recycled and existing materials on site
when appropriate.
• Protecting and enhancing the natural
habitat and local surroundings throughout the development process.
Making the most efficient use of land, including the regeneration of redundant
or contaminated land.
• Designing our houses and developments to incorporate
features, when practicable and cost effective that minimise the impact on the
environment during their habitation.
• Preventing pollution occurring at our sites.
In these areas, we set objectives and targets against which we regularly
monitor and review our progress. This policy forms the basis of our
Environmental Management System (EMS), which is implemented across our business.
This includes detailed guidance and procedures relating to our environmental
impacts and how to minimise these impacts during the planning, design and
construction of our developments.
We understand that our stakeholders are interested in how we manage our
impact on the environment and how we are performing. We also appreciate that
they may provide views and opinions that can strengthen our approach to
environmental management. We will openly communicate on environmental issues with interested parties and report on progress at regular intervals on our
website. We will provide training appropriate to our employees’ particular
environmental responsibilities to ensure that they are aware of our
environmental impacts and their role in managing them.
Our performance is monitored and reviewed by the Persimmon CR Committee, a committee of senior executives and representatives from across the Group. Responsibility for implementing this policy rests with the Managing Directors of each of the Group’s Operating Businesses. On each site, the Site Manager is responsible for the day to day management of environmental issues and ensuring adherence to our policy.
Our Environmental Policy, first introduced in 2002, is reviewed at least annually to ensure its relevance to our business operations and that it is consistent with other policies and our approach to Corporate Responsibility.

Group Chief Executive
4 January 2009
Group Company Secretary Neil Francis
Registered Office Persimmon House Fulford York YO19 4FE
Telephone (01904) 642199 Fax (01904) 610014
Persimmon Homes
East Midlands
Charles Church East Midlands
Persimmon House
19 Commerce Road
Peterborough Business Park
Lynch Wood
Peterborough PE2 6LR
Telephone (01733) 397200
Managing Director: Adrian Evans
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581 Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT All Press Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
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