Stanground has once again experienced a reduction of reported incidents. Despite the Halloween and Fireworks we are pleased to say there has been little Anti social behaviour in our area. I am pleased to say local shops have been more vigilant in respect of sales of related items and certainly checking ages when selling alcohol.
Local officers have requested trading standards continue looking at test purchases of drink and following these tests the co-op on Southfield's Drive was given a 48 hour banning order on selling alcohol following a test purchase failure.
We have a little crime to report but are productively dealing with other areas of concern such as illegal parking and speeding in our area. the phrase "I was only 2 minutes" or " I thought it was a 60mph limit on Coneygree Road" are quite frankly unacceptable. Expect to see plenty of tickets on offending vehicles and keep an eye out for us with the speed gun.
Park farm is again very low on reported incidents however we are aware of small pockets of anti social behaviour mainly around the abandoned shop near Heritage House. An incident was called in where two children had climbed on to the roof of this shop. Those children have been on the receiving end of strong word of advice and the recipient of GAP letters.
You may have heard the term GAP, this stands for Guardian Awareness Programme. This is a tool which we use when dealing with the younger members of our community. A GAP letter is a letter home to parents following an incident of anti social behaviour to ensure they are aware of there child's poor behaviour and their dealings with Police.
Details of the incidents are shared with Peterborough City Council, once 3 letters are sent the child is then subject to an Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC). The contract is tailored to the child to ensure it is effective. For example if the child is guilty of ASB in the evening then we would look to put in place curfews and also exclusion zones in the area.
Breeches of this said contract could lead to a ASBO and housing restrictions. It is always sad when someone gets to this stage but poor behaviour is not tolerated. Adults can also be subject to an ABC or an ASBO.
While this all sounds negative its important to remember that Stanground and Park Farm are in essence a great place to live with very low levels of crime and ASB. I see no reason for this to change and local officers have received some really positive feedback from residents and businesses a like.
http://www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk/news/national-news/store_banned_from_selling_alcohol_1_1595494 - Peterborough Evening Telegraph Article On Alcohol Ban
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581 Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT All Press Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
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