As the old year fades and the Park Farm & Stanground community along with the rest of the country faces a bleak austerity future, you may wonder what we just don't pack up shop and ship out? The reality is no matter what politicians and councillors dream up at the end of the day, this is our community and we control with your support its eventual destiny. By we, I mean every person, family and even friends who live or visit our community.
It's taken some time but by your continuing support and an ever increasing number of website hits, the Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch is now being reviewed on a regular basis by the people who can make a material difference to our way of life and have the power to physically improve the quality of life within Park Farm and Stanground.
The simple matter of placing grit bins at strategic positions has overnight ensured that families are no longer imprisoned in their homes and can actually get their cars out and traverse the short but steep inclines some of us have. Daily I've seen residents out with spades, shovels and brooms chipping away at the snow, impacted ice and spreading a layer of salted grit from our new salt bins (sadly the top level end residents of Kedleston Road are too posh to clear the ice and snow, but we'll work on them!) even better, the odd cup of tea and stronger festive cheer has been offered to those physically better able to do the heavy work.
We have also taken a detailed look at all the streets within our patch and would you believe some of them were brilliantly maintained - no weeds in the crack of the kerbs etc., whilst others had not been touched for years. All that has now changed, PCC has taken note and all our streets are now being fully maintained (if you know different, TELL US!) Street lighting has been surveyed and the lamps where broken replaced. It's the little things that help make a community.
The continuing eyesore of the abandoned BUPA nursery is another campaign currently under review. Your PFNW has taken the matter right to BUPA's Main Board in London and its property division. It cannot be right that such an eyesore in the heart of our community is left to rot for years on end.
We also had a major 'go' at Persimmon Homes, who own the building site immediately opposite the entrance to Park Farm, as soon as it was cleared of rubbish another clandestine tip of builders debris and old furniture would appear. Again we tackled the regional Board of directors of Persimmon and pointed out that the much publicised Environment Policy drawn up by the main board in London was being ignored by the Regional office. Finally the access to the site has been blocked.
Nearer to home we have a a continuing battle with a few anti-social dog owners (one family in particular) who have yet to realise that dog excrement has to be picked up, bagged and binned. The local dog warden and PCC neighbourhood officers are just waiting to obtain sufficient evidence to land them with a series of £60 fines (that is £60 for each individual incident!).
We have also kept in close touch with neighbourhood policing teams and suggested levels that would keep us all safe and secure. Not an easy task when police budgets are about to be slashed.
So this is just an insight as to some of the work being carried out on your behalf, we are only limited by resources and people on the ground, so if you would like to assist make it a New Year resolution to not only join (FOR FREE) the Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, or if you don't have the time, consider a small financial donation to keep the scheme going ... But whatever you and your family decide, take pride in Park Farm and Stanground, we need to know that you are behind us as the journey ahead will be long and hard, but whatever happens PFNW will be looking out for you and help maintaining the quality of life for all of us.
Finally, may you and your loved ones have a truly wonderful Festive Season and we wish that 2011 will be a very good year for all of us.
Julian Bray
Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch

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