A friendly warning to Parents and Guardians!
As the weather is about to briefly thaw before the next really cold snap settles in over the New Year period, please SERIOUSLY WARN YOUR CHILDREN about not walking over the iced up River even if the dog escapes and decides it's a really bright thing to do. Dogs are much lighter!
Last year we had several incidents, police and firemen were called out. This year it would be a result if this did not happen. Residents are also strongly advised to keep domestic cats and rabbits etc warm and inside overnight. It really is way too cold for them to be running around in sub-zero temperatures all night long.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581 Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT All Press Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
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