PFNN : Park Farm Neighbourhood News & Stanground Community News Network. Serving Residents of Stanground, Park Farm, Fletton, Cardea [Stanground South] & Woodston. Supporting Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch & Residents Group.
NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING TEAM NP Sergeant: SIMON GOLDSMITH Tel: NEW NON EMERGENCY NUMBER 101 NP Constables: Rob Giffen, Neil Fraser & Matt Marchbank PSCOs': Shirley Beswick, Stuart Craig, Tina Griffin, Mohammed Haleem, Tania Weston, David Holland & Lloyd Ledgister.
POLICE Neighbourhood Panel Meeting [Chair Chris York]: Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th January 2012 at Mace Road Church Hall, Stanground 7pm to 9pm. All residents WELCOME!
NEW NON EMERGENCY POLICE NUMBER 101 or call CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 PFNN EDITED BY JULIAN BRAY (NEWSDESK 01733 345581). We welcome your comments. We serve Stanground, Park Farm, Fletton, Cardea and Woodston neighbourhoods.
Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Association is registered with Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network (England & Wales) Registered Charity No: 1133637 and Company No: 7592594
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Cashpoint Warning (From today's ET)
CITY cashpoint users are being warned to be vigilant after a gang of thieves struck in Cathedral Square. The four-strong gang targeted the victim as they were taking a sum of money out of a Barclays Bank cash machine in Church Street on Tuesday (29 March). One of the gang distracted the victim, who turned away from the machine and in that moment another member of the gang snatched the cash from the cash point. After grabbing what police described as a “reasonable sum of money” the gang, who were all dressed in dark jackets and jeans, then ran off with their haul across Cathedral Square and into the grounds of Peterborough Cathedral at around 1.44pm. Just minutes earlier at around 1.35pm, another person using the cash machine outside NatWest in Cathedral Square was approached by a stranger who started pressing buttons on the keypad. The person managed to cancel their transaction and the would-be thief made off empty-handed. Police are now investigating to see whether the two incidents are linked. They will also be looking at CCTV footage from Cathedral Square to try to identify the gang involved. And officers are urging any shoppers or workers who saw the two incidents or the gang fleeing across the square to come forward with any information they may have. They are also warning people who use cash points to be vigilant when taking cash out. A spokesman for the police said: “We are urging anyone who may have seen this group of four running across the square and into the Cathedral grounds to call us. “It would appear that they have carried out a distraction type theft, with one of the group distracting the cashpoint user, while the other one takes the money. We would remind anyone using cash points to be extra careful when taking money out.” The move is the latest scam to hit Cathedral Square cash point users after hundreds of users had their accounts plundered by card fraudsters in February. They had been caught in a high-tech trap laid by the card scammers which targeted cash machines at six branches of the Norwich and Peterborough Building Society, including the Cathedral Square branch. The police spokesman added: “The likelihood of becoming a fraud victim at a cash machine is very low and the following points will help keep your cards and cash safe. “Always put your own safety first, don’t use a cash machine if you notice anyone behaving suspiciously around it or you spot anything suspicious on the cash machine itself – and report your suspicions to the bank concerned or the police. “If your card is retained by the cash machine contact your card issuer immediately.” Anyone with information should call police on 0345 456 4564 or CALL CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 They will never ask for your name, trace your call, you won't need to go to Court. Registered Independent Charity not connected to Police. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch,Peterborough,UK Tel: 01733 345581 >> Broadcast ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT Media Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581

Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Update from Local Neighbourhood Policing Team.Ps Goldsmith 7/3/11 - 13/3/11
Dear All During the period 07/03/2011 - 13/03/2011, for our area, 35 incidents were called into the Police Service Centre and were responded to by both reactive officers and your Local Neighbourhood Policing Team. These calls for service are represented as follows:
Concern for person 4
Domestic 3
Observation message 2
Silent 999 2
Violence 2
Fire 4
Sudden death 1
Rowdy Nuisance 5
Civil Trespass 1
Burglary in progress 1
Burglary dwelling 2
Criminal damage 1
Suspicious circumstances 1
Road related 3
Fraud 2
Property 1
It can be seen that the top three calls have been Rowdy Nuisance, concern for person and fire, what we must consider here is that some of these calls will be duplicate reporting the same incident seen by numerous people.
Please never just assume somebody else has called us we would rather have duplicate calls with various vital pieces of information than no calls at all.
Again pleasing to see no Anti social behaviour calls to the area.
Of these 35 calls, 10 crime reports were raised, which are made up as follows: Criminal damage to a vehicle 2
Theft 3
Wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm 1
Burglary in a dwelling 2
Arson not endangering life 2
We are having problems with a number of youngsters entering and causing damage to the two unoccupied residential locations namely Saxon/Rowan and Coneygree Road. We are aware of the problems and can advise that Saxon/Rowan Court should be demolished in the next 5-6 weeks, which will bring a halt to the activities at this location.
We continue to patrol the Coneygree Road location and the council have been ensuring that boarding up is maintained. We do not have a date for when this location is to be demolished.
Arrests continue across the whole sector including a prolific offender just yesterday, charged with two shoplifting offences and remanded in custody until appearing in court.
Reassurance visits/telephone calls and high vis patrol continue by Shirley and Tania your local PCSO's.
Your next street surgery should you wish to meet us is set for Monday 4th April, 1700-1900 hours outside the showrooms on the new Cardea Estate.
Speed watch was recently conducted on Chapel Street, where not one vehicle set off the system by travelling over the speed limit.
Please be aware when using this road that the end of the street that joins Church Street has a 20mph speed restriction due the close proximity of St Johns Primary School to the road.
The other end of the street joining to Coneygree Road is 30mph please adhere to these limits it is well sign posted near to the Appleyard Junction and near to the methodist chapel also.
Your next panel meeting is on the 5th April 2011 at Brewster Avenue Primary School commencing at 1900 hours. This is your chance to air your concerns and set the panel priorities for your area for the next 3 months. Please come along.
Although this is in the Woodston area all Southern Sector residents are welcome so this includes Stanground, Park Farm, Fletton and Hampton residents.
The panel meeting changes venue every 3 months so Stanground's is planned for 10th January 2012, venue to be confirmed.
In an emergency, when a life is in danger or there is a risk of violence or serious injury or when a serious crime is being committed please call 999. For all non-emergencies, general enquiries and to report crime please call 0345 456 456 4.
CALL CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 They will never ask for your name, trace your call, you won't need to go to Court. Registered Independent Charity not connected to Police. (C)Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch,Peterborough,UK Tel: 01733 345581 >> Broadcast ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT Media Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581

Monday, 28 March 2011

7 Arrests, and 18 vehicles off the road.

Most Wanted
At a recent Crimestoppers event I learned the most popular item was 'Most Wanted'. So, I have added a chap wanted in Leics. If you would like to see more of these please let me know.
CS Reference CS0810-2241 SAHNAN is accused of being involved in the importation of Heroin into the UK.
Do Not Approach Call Crimestoppers
0800 555 111
CALL CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 They will never ask for your name, trace your call, you won't need to go to Court. Registered Independent Charity not connected to Police.
(C)Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch,Peterborough,UK Tel: 01733 345581 >> Broadcast ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT Media Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
Now it is spring...
POLICE are urging homeowners to check the security of garden outbuildings as the weather warms up.
Officers are concerned that spring time can often coincide with a rise in thefts from sheds, garages and gardens as people spend more time outside.
Items that are targeted can include high spec and ride-on mowers or expensive power tools.
Crime reduction officer Rachel Carr said most people were aware of the need to guard against house burglary, however, many don't consider sheds, garages and other outbuildings.
She said: "In some cases sheds have been broken into and tools or other equipment within were used to break into a home.
"Burglars have also used a ladder or wheelie bin to get into a property or first floor window.
"Many garden sheds are out of sight in a rear garden. Residents should think about how an intruder might gain access."
Crime prevention tips include:
* Always secure sheds and outbuildings with strong locks.
* Ideally, secure tools and equipment with a strong chain or, better still, use a secure storage unit within the shed.
* Shed alarms are recommended. There are many simple devices available at DIY stores.
* Ensure that perimeter fences or hedges are in a good state of repair.
* Plant prickly or thorny shrubs beside fences and walls to increase security.
* Garden gates should be the same height and as strong as your fence or wall. Fit strong locks such as a padlock or press bolt on the inside of the gate.
* Movement sensitive lights are recommended for the rear of a property.
* Ladders should be locked away or securely chained and padlocked to a strong post or wall.
* Consider using gravel for paths on driveways and under windows and doors as it is loud underfoot.
* If you have a burglar alarm fitted consider extending it to cover outbuildings and sheds.
Valuable items such as power tools, machinery and garden statues can be registered for free on the Immobilise website Log on and follow the instructions.
If you would like more information and advice regarding home and shed security visit: or contact Cambridgeshire police Community Safety Unit 0345 456 4564.
Neighbourhood Policing Team Panel Meeting APRIL 5TH 2011
We are aware that some residents for whatever reason, do not wish to be involved in police matters so remember that the newly revived Cambridgeshire Crimestoppers Committee is now operating.
Telephone calls to the national 0800 555 111 number are an excellent way to call anonoymously with information about crime, domestic abuse/violence, something that might be going on in your street.
Crimestoppers is an independent charity. Your call will never be traced and they will not ask for your name. Rewards for information on serious incidents, resuting in a conviction, are also offered, ask for details.
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Nineteen Wards to be contested in City Council Elections

The wards being contested, with the existing councillor in brackets, are: Bretton North (Darren Morley); Bretton South (Michael Fletcher); Central (Zahid Hussain); Dogsthorpe (Bella Saltmarsh), East (Mark Collins); Fletton and Woodston (Matthew Lee); North (Charles Swift); Northborough (Peter Hiller); Orton with Hampton (Nigel North); Orton Longueville (Graham Murphy); Orton Waterville (Sue Allen); Park (Yvonne Lowndes); Paston (Sue Day); Ravensthorpe (Harry Newton); Stanground Central (Marco Cereste); Stanground East (Janet Wilkinson); Werrington North (Judy Fox); Werrington South (Paula Thacker); West (Matthew Dalton).
Friday, 25 March 2011
Shotgun being fired on Horsey Toll

Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Your City - Your Council Cabinet Meeting Monday 21st March 2011

Peterborough City Council Cabinet Meeting Monday 21st March 2011
Report by Morag Irving
We attended the meeting above on your behalf from the public gallery and these are some extracts from the notes I made at the time. Again, all the texts in italics are my thoughts as are all the mistakes. I’ll leave the Neighbourhood Council Review to Julian (as before). My notes cover the Peterborough Local Investment Plan and Long Term Strategy and Local Transport Plan.
The meeting was chaired by Marco Cereste and among the councillors attending those from our area were Councillor Walsh and Councillor Lee.
The need to identify land for executive housing was raised and the need to define ‘prestige housing’.
Empty houses need to brought back into use, some 189 houses in Peterborough have been empty for 2 years or more.
The questionnaire circulated in ‘Your Peterborough’ brought 1,200 responses.
The need to showcase Peterborough as an Environmental Capital was raised.
Park and Ride, or Park and walk were seen as priorities.
The impact of building another 5,000 houses in Hampton, and the subsequent impact on Yaxley was raised. Concerns were raised re the access roads to Hampton and any problems an emergency vehicle may encounter.
I know from a previous Neighbourhood Council meeting this issue had already been discussed. The Police had asked the Fire Brigade to negotiate the roads and this had been done successfully. However, with another 5 thousand homes it may be a different matter.
The need for better signage in the city was raised.
Magna Park although not discussed was an item in the paperwork. I’ll quote directly from the summary.
How would the extra freight from the Magna Park development be handled? It was important that the quality of life for residents in the area was maintained.
We would look at a quality partnership e.g. allocating priority lanes for the vehicles when needed. A transport assessment would need to be done for Magna Park but as a planning application had not yet been submitted this had not yet happened. We would look at the application very carefully.
So would we! As you know we remain politically impartial, but against the Magna Park development.
Council Tax to be frozen or reduced: CONFIRMED

Census door-to-door Scam!

Monday, 21 March 2011
Alarm Systems HOME VISIT Active Scam Alert!

and Trading Standards Service
The sales ploy starts with an initial telephone call offering an alarm system at a reduced price, £1 or even for free. A salesman will then visit, pressurising the homeowner to sign up straight away, in order to get a good deal or huge discount.
Whatever work you want done on your home, Trading Standards and Police recommend you always obtain 3 quotes to make sure the price is reasonable.
If during a visit to your property, a trader refuses to leave, contact the police immediately and make a note of the time of the request and the time the trader leaves. This applies to any trader – not just security alarm companies.
When buying an alarm system we would suggest you look for companies that are accredited by N.S.I. (National Security Inspectorate) or S.S.I.A.B. (Security Systems & Alarm Inspection Board).
Free home security advice is available from Cambridgeshire Police dial 0345 456 456 4
If during a visit to your home you purchase goods or services from a trader and then you have second thoughts you usually have a right to cancel for contracts of more than £35. The paperwork that a trader leaves will give the details on how to cancel, and will include a cancellation form. You have 7 days in which you can cancel.
If you have been contacted by a security company and feel concerned please contact the Police or Cambridgeshire Trading Standards for assistance.
Cambridgeshire Police: 0345 456 456 4 (in case of emergency dial 999).
Trading Standards: 08454 04 05 06. This is the call centre number for the Trading Standards partner organisation Consumer Direct who will be able to advise you and immediately pass information through to Trading Standards Officers.
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Flag Fen Open Day (FREE)

A perfect opportunity to explore Flag Fen today, as it has a special open day admission is FREE, but of course donations are welcome. You can throw a clay pot, walk into the roundhouses and see the spring lambs. Radio Cambridgeshire is also broadcasting from the site.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough, UK Tel: 01733 345581 >>Broadcasters dial ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT Media Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Properly Understanding Neighbourhood Watch...
For over 5 years, Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, which is voluntary and independent of Police but a registered scheme with Police, covers Park Farm and Stanground in Peterborough and has in the process forged very strong relationships with the Police, local authorities, the Peterborough Evening Telegraph, BBC TV and Radio, Commercial Radio, ITV, SkyNews, Channel 4, utility companies and had some great results. We've even won National awards and put some funding from Competition winnings back into our community.
Initiatives include erection of 22 NW Street Signs, 2 Smartwater Signs, crime statistics, crime prevention advice and help, a PFNW members’ website, graffiti removal, litter picking exercises and street surveys which have had a marked effect on the previous level of anti social behaviour, underage drinking and vandalism.
PFNW Members benefit from day-to-day access to PFNW Street Coordinators, who in turn (like any member of the public) can contact Police Community Safety Officer Carol Aston, the Southern Area Inspector Matt Snow, Neighbourhood Policing Sgt. Simon Goldsmith, our PCSO's and support from the Police Special Constabulary, a strong team who are committed to crime prevention and detection through positive community action. We also work with the Crimestoppers organisation.
Park Farm, Stanground, Peterborough is a lovely area with an overall low crime rate but we too do sometimes suffer burglaries, car thefts, general vehicle crime, graffiti, vandalism and anti social behaviour involving under age drinking.
We have all invested a lot of time and money in order to buy or rent our homes here and as a community the scheme works together to reduce the likelihood that criminals will steal or that anti social behaviour will ruin what we have.
Please consider becoming a valued member of a winning supportive scheme where we all look out for each other, not by curtain twitching, but by being aware of our surroundings and our own personal and property security. Membership is voluntary, and best of all the door signs are still FREE! IF the old one is looking a tad dusty, call us for a band new replacement!
We are always happy to talk to schools, organisations, clubs and groups about Neighbourhood Watch in the 21st Century and happy to answer your questions. If we don't immediately know the answer, we'll find out.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough, UK Tel: 01733 345581 >>Broadcasters dial ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT Media Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
Yet another spam doing the rounds

Tax Refund Notification
After the last annual calculations of your
fiscal activity, we have determined that you
are eligible to receive a tax
refund of 468.50 GBP. Please submit the tax refund
request and click here by
having your tax refund send to your bank account in due time
Please Click
Here to have your tax refund to your bank account, your tax refund will be sent
to your bank account in due time take your time to go through the bank we
have on our list
Note : A refund can be delayed a variety of reasons, for
example submitting invalid
records or applying after deadline.
HM Revenue & Customs
HM Revenue & Customs have advised they would not inform customers of a tax rebate via email. Their best advice is not visit the website contained within the email or disclose any personal or payment information.
Any emails received should be forwarded to
and then delete the email you received !!!!
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough, UK Tel: 01733 345581 >>Broadcasters dial ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT Media Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Japan disaster (already being used for scamming)

(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough, UK Tel: 01733 345581 >>Broadcasters dial ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT Media Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
Monday, 14 March 2011
Speedwatch Volunteering

Your neighbourhood policing team are looking for volunteers (numbers are limited) to take an active part in the community speedwatch scheme, and are currently looking to hold some training sessions. This weekend, we are discussing the scheme on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire.
The Speedwatch scheme allows the public to get actively involved in monitoring the speed of vehicles travelling through their neighbourhood. It is used in areas where speeding has been identified as a priority at quarterly neighbourhood panel meetings. The scheme is run by the force alongside the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Road Safety Partnership. It is about educating motorists in the law in relation to speeding and monitoring any trends in speeding in neighbourhoods.
Volunteers are trained to use speed indicator devices which displays vehicle speed. The registered owner of any vehicle seen exceeding the speed limit is sent an advisory letter from their local neighbourhood policing team, explaining that speeding is unacceptable to the local community.
How much time will I need to give up?
There is no minimum time set but an expectation that sufficient hours are given to make the scheme viable.
Do you get training?
Yes full training is given to volunteers. This training will be provided by your local neighbourhood team in your neighbourhood and will depend on the needs of the group assembled.
Is it safe for volunteers?
Volunteers are given full training and safety equipment to ensure they are clearly visible to road users.
Will officers still carry out speed checks?
Areas where speeding is identified as an issue will be considered for enforcement work by officers.
What equipment is used?
Volunteers are provided with high visibility jackets and conduct speed checks using speed indicator devices. The vehicles speed is then displayed on the monitor.
Will records of the offending vehicles be kept?
Information gathered during the checks will be used to target enforcement and education measures. Persistent offenders will receive a visit from officers.
Can motorists be prosecuted?
No these checks are about educating motorists.
How will it stop people from speeding?
Speedwatch is not an enforcement tool but about educating motorists and raising awareness of the dangers of speeding. The scheme is just one part of the ongoing work being carried out by the force to target speeding.
If you would more information or to become a volunteer please reply to this message or call your local Neighbourhood Policing Team on 0345 4564564 and ask for PCSO 7262 Haleem.
Peterborough South-East Neighbourhood Policing Team.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581 Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT All Press Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
Sunday, 13 March 2011
P card

For an annual fee of £5 you can sign up for your 'P' card at the visitor centre (near the Town Hall). The card gives you discounts on your purchases around the city. The best discount I have found so far is 16% at Janson Hong, (the card has paid for itself a few times over).
You will get a booklet with your card showing where you can use it these vary from hairdressers to restaurants.
It is also accepted at The Brewery Tap for Thai meal discount! -JB
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581 Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT All Press Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
BULLY ALERT Parents please note
The parents tell us their Park Farm house is also being targeted with bricks being thrown at windows and other more serious incidents over the weekend. The child concerned now fully realises how stupid the remarks were and is now very,very upset and full of remorse.
In cases such as this, immediate reaction, bereavement and remorse manifests itself in many ways and needs the whole wider group of associates, friends and relations to be fully supportive.
PFNW is now closely monitoring the situation, local neighbourhood police teams have also been contacted and we would urgently ask all parents and guardians to have a gentle word with their children.
The prolonged bouts of concentrated bullying and the physical attacks on one particular property (Criminal Damage) must also stop before it gets really out of hand and into the Courts system, thus blighting some young lives.
We will take calls on this if you feel you have been affected, and need to talk matters over, but at the end of the day it has to be down to parents and guardians to explain why bully activity is simply the wrong way to fondly remember and celebrate the life of the recently departed.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581
Saturday, 12 March 2011
BBC considering cuts to Local Radio Programmes
I thought you might like to see this article from Saturday’s Cambridge Evening Newspaper (12/3/11)...
BBC considering cuts to local radio programmes by Jack Grove
Replacing Radio Cambridgeshire programmes with Five Live shows
would be a "betrayal of listeners", a union leader has said.
Staff at the station’s Cambridge studios were said to be “outraged”
after they were briefed by managers yesterday about possible plans to axe many
local programmes.
Only the breakfast and drive-time shows would be produced in the
county, with output from national news and sport station BBC Five Live making up
the rest of the schedule, according to the National Union of Journalists
It would mean the end of the popular Andie Harper Mid-Morning Show,
while other shows fronted by Sue Marchant, Liz Rhodes, Mandy Morton, Richard
Spendlove and Christopher South could be threatened.
The proposals would lead to the loss of 700 jobs nationwide as the
BBC looks to save more than £400 million following last year’s licence fee
Keith Murray, chairman of the NUJ’s Cambridge branch, said: “We
understand the BBC is actively looking at these plans.
“Staff are obviously outraged these cuts are even being considered.
It is only an idea now, but an idea can become firm policy overnight if it is
not strongly opposed.
“Radio Cambridgeshire has an audience of about 140,000 listeners,
many of whom do not consume any other BBC service. It would be a betrayal of
them if almost all its locally produced programmes were axed.
“The BBC is often criticised for being too London-centric and not
connecting with its audience.
“This is what Radio Cambridgeshire does every
day and it is an invaluable service, especially in times of
“Out of the £145 licence fee paid each year, local radio represents
only a few pence. It’s extraordinary they are looking to cut it.
“Other local stations have gone down this route and it has not been
a success.”
A BBC spokesman said: “No decisions have been made so it would be
wrong to speculate.
“It is, of course, only right that BBC staff have an
opportunity to input ideas about shaping the BBC’s future.”
He said the briefings were designed to provoke discussion among
staff about the way the BBC works.
“Any decisions coming out the process would be subject to approval
by the BBC Trust,” he added.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Your Peterborough. Your Council

Morag Irving accompanied Julian Bray to the Scrutiny Committee Council Meeting last night. These are a few of the points Morag found interesting. The meeting lasted about 3 hours.
The views in italics are my own says Morag. If you would like any more information or we can help with anything please don’t hesitate to contact us. (Julian Bray has already written about the threat to our Neighbourhood meetings so we can leave those reports to him).
VivaCity presentation
Flag Fen to made more attractive to tourists. The road to Flag Fen was discussed and the possibility of using the river to access the site was suggested.
The new gym at Bishops road was opened on Dec 22.
Finding sponsorship has been difficult although £50 thousand pounds has been received from the Arts Council for the Peterborough Festival this year.
The pantomime was 92% full last year, an increase from 2009 when it was 82%. This means a small profit was made.
Well deserved as it was jolly good, congratulations to all.
‘Micro libraries’ are being rolled out the first has just been opened in Perkins.
Not sure about this, as the library service is ‘up against it’ shouldn’t funds be spent on existing libraries. With the best will in the world a full bookcase of books still requires a spend of a few hundred pound let alone admin. What about a book exchange instead?
The Museum upgrade is underway and scheduled to reopen at the end of the year.
Crime Figures
Overall showing a reduction of 26% in reported crime figures.
This is very good news. Not often this is reported.
The idea is to tackle crime ‘before’ its spread. Very good example was given as follows:-
A brand new car was parked in a ‘bad’ area of Chicago in the 1970s. The car remained untouched for 2 weeks. As part of the experiment a side window was broken. The car was then stripped overnight.
The reduction in crime represents possible savings of £5.2 million.
Showing that we all need to keep on our toes and not accept ASB/Vandalism etc ,Stamp it out before it becomes a problem.
Some 2 thousand empty homes in the city. 700 of those being long term vacant, as they have empty for more than 6 months.
There is no registration of landlords in the city.
Good presentation and the team do seem to be on top of things. Although it is a crying shame people are sleeping on our streets when we have empty property.
As said all views in italics are my own as are any mistakes. Good to see so many members of the public turning out for the meeting. Some councillors bemoaning the fact that the same people turn out for meetings. I don't think that is really the problem, (everyone has a right to be there). The problem is encouraging more people to attend - that is really down to the councillors themselves who need to contact the people who voted for them in the first place.
I felt one or two councillors had 'lost the plot' slightly and had forgotten they put themselves up for election in the first place and are there to serve. Having said that the majority are hard working and lots of good work has been done. I enjoyed the meeting and pass my thanks on to all involved.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581 Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT All Press Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
Digital Telly Switchover Roadshow in Peterborough

Staff will be available to answer any questions on the switchover and demonstrate equipment.
13, 14 April 2011
Bridge Street, opposite Town Hall, PE1 1HG
With regard to the forthcoming plans to switch off the analogue signal in the Anglia TV region from 30th March in most areas; here's some basic information that may be of benefit as to what or what not to do.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581 Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT All Press Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
Gone for a Burton! Hands off our Neighbourhood Meetings!

The full picture. Several people have commented they would like to read
Cllr. Burtons Letter to The Peterborough Evening Telegraph and the editorial response by the Editor to that very same letter by Cllr Burton.This now appears below and our original story follows:
Letter: No ‘rubber stamping’ of neighbourhood council review
Published on Saturday 12 March 2011 10:00Cllr Burton writes: In response to the article on page 19 of The Peterborough Evening Telegraph of Thursday 10th March 2011 I would like the opportunity to point out what I see as wholly and flagrant inaccuracies in your reporting of the matter of the review carried out into the functioning of neighbourhood councils – soon to become “Area Committees” if the recommendations are accepted and also to give a better balance to the events at the scrutiny committee hearing.
I strongly reject and am quite outraged at the suggestion that the review was “Rubber Stamped”.
Nothing before any scrutiny committee or any other committee of this council that I have ever attended has ever been rubber stamped. There was a great deal of debate, certain items were changed upon reflection.
No - a rubber stamp it most surely was not.Then the article stated that the review was started because “They came under fire from a number of councillors”- wrong, the cross party review group, which I chair was initiated because it was obvious to the members of the scrutiny committee that as they were performing at that time, the neighbourhood councils were simply not working as well as they could, and so it was the sensible thing to do to look for possible improvements.
That is what scrutiny is for.
The article sought to concentrate on minor suggestions and neglected to mention the exciting initiatives such as area tours by the committee members and all partner agencies and other such ways of engaging with the people of the city.
By providing free transport to anyone who needs it to attend the committee meetings and a total re-launch of the committees to explain to the people how they operate, what they will mean to people and how we look to improve them in the future.This review is far from being the perfect answer, we realise that and that is why the review will be carried forward into the future to continue to learn and respond to residents’ demands.
The article also carried a disproportionate amount of remarks from Mr Julian Bray of Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch in my opinion,
He purported to represent the views of all of Peterborough’s Neighbourhood watch groups, I have since found out that this is far from the case. [JB comments: I have channged Cllr Burton on this and he refuses to answer]
We allowed him to speak far beyond the original time he had been allotted and he wondered why we had not consulted him or his army of litter pickers.
You failed to report in the article however, my carefully considered response which was that we had consulted with well over 100 groups across the city, we had asked for input from every elected member, we had asked for input from similar sized local authorities with successful area committee models.
We had asked all partner agencies for input, and most pertinently we had spoken to the top city police officer, who interestingly is highly supportive of our proposals, we did not see the need to ask this one man who has high opinions of his own importance. It was simply not possible, practicable or desirable to ask everyone in the city - that is what the point of our system of democracy is - to represent you the people who put us in our privileged position, for the only alternative is anarchy!
The final point I made with my call for the public to engage remains however, I said that a certain section of the public are always saying, “They” should do this or that, It is about time that those same people realised that they are the “They”. We need the public to engage with us for us to be able to adequately represent them.
Area committees are the future of local government at the local level, they are the face of the “big society”, and they offer integrated services at lower cost. The report is a public document, we have nothing to hide. Read it, enjoy it, be part of it.
Cllr Colin BurtonUNUSUALLY in response to Cllr. Burltons letter the Editor of Thed Peterborough Evening Telegraph decided to use his Editorial leader to deliver a few home truths to Cllr. Burton
l EDITOR’S NOTE: Perhaps Cllr Burton should have read the article more carefully before firing off his letter.
We stand by the story. Rubber stamped was a phrase used to reflect the fact that the review had been passed forward without major amendment.
The neighbourhood councils HAD previously come under fire from councillors - the review started as there were concerns about the funding – both David Sanders and John Holdich to name two were critical of their set up.
The article summarised some of the suggestionsmade in the report - the report is a 30-page document with 17 recommendations - the article focused on the ones referred to in the meeting.
Perhaps the fact that Cllr Burton is not only a member of the scruitiny committee but also chair of the group reviewing neighbourhood councils makes it understandable that he is so sensitive about the number of points outlined.The comments reported by Mr Bray were far from disproportionate.
The fact is that he had some points to make - just because they were critical and Cllr Burton doesn’t like them doesn’t mean they should have been reduced or ignored.
We did not fail to report the fact that a consultation had taken place or that 100 groups had been consulted - it’s all in there.
Admittedly we had not quoted Cllr Burton on this point but we had quoted Cllr Todd when she made the same point.
Cllr Burton’s quotes were used to summarise the position at the end of the artice.
The article was a fair and accurate summary of the meeting, just because Cllr Burton didn’t like parts of it doesn’t make them inaccurate. THE EDITORWe now return to the orginal story:
Julian Bray addressed the "Strong & Supportive Communities Scrutiny Committee" last night at Peterborough Town Hall. They want to close down local Neighbourhood Council and Neighbourhood policing meetings and introduce a bland Area Committee concept. The source public document file is on:
Julian Bray MCIPR, Chairman,
Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch remarks relating to the Neighbourhood Council Review delivered to the Strong& Supportive Community Scrutiny Committee Peterborough City Council Wednesday 9th March 2011
Bourges/Viersen Room –Town Hall
1. I’m Julian Bray, chairman, Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch [PFNW] – we have 1,300 page hits on the PFNW website every 30 days, so we are more than recognised as being an active receptive voice in the neighbourhood and I would like to thank the committee for this opportunity to comment and I’ll try to be brief and to the point. I speak for all my colleagues, unpaid front line volunteers, in the neighbourhood watch networks, all over this proud City and beyond.
2. I should also explain to our council professionals, that I am a member of the Royal Chartered Institute of Public Relations, a life Member of the National Union of Journalists and a full member of Equity. I’ve also during my career controlled national Government public relations and marketing contracts. Just so council PR and communications teams fully understand where I’m coming from.
3. I also worked on the multi-million pathfinder IT Fujitsu Services contract for West Midlands Walsall council, then on an outsourcing spree, when this whole concept of seamless service, one stop shops was first introduced a decade ago, so I know the process and it’s many, many, very expensive pitfalls. Walsall Town Hall eventually dropped the idea, but in the process spent a few million essentially to save face, but then adopted or regressed (as you like) to a structure that local people, electors were more comfortable with. And needless to say I’m happy to assist the committee and the task force.
4. Having found out about the proposal and this meeting from the Evening Telegraph as late as last Saturday, I really have to question why this important change to the democratic process was not raised or mentioned on Thursday March 3rd, the most recent Stanground Central, Stanground East (incorporating Park Farm) and Fletton Neighbourhood Council meeting (full report on ).
5. I also have to ask why not one single Neighbourhood Watch scheme, group, committee at county, regional, city, or any other level has been approached and asked to contribute or comment. Neighbourhood Watch members are the people on the ground, we are the people who practically deliver solutions on a day by day basis to police, social services, health professionals and act as a sounding board for future police policy decisions. We’ve even been asked to explain the digital switchover to our residents and members!
6. We are also in line, due to police cuts, to take over some of the basic functions of police routine administration and operate highly visible street patrol schemes such as StreetWatch.
7. On the democratic theme, I see only two residents have been canvassed by the task force and I have to admit none of the pictures of the task force members ring any bells with me. Indeed not one of them has seemingly contacted anyone at neighbourhood level or rung bells in South Peterborough or north, east and west for that matter! Although this is a wide ranging proposal to reform/abolish the local neighbourhood council concept in favour of bland ‘Area Committees’.
8. Dumping our neighbourhood councils – but in so doing without full consultation. But they have travelled and interviewed someone in LUTON!
9. The neighbourhood policing panels have also been done away with, almost by stealth, according to this proposal; again with no consultation, no input from neighbourhood watch, no input from neighbourhood policing teams, neighbourhood sergeants, neighbourhood PC’s neighbourhood PCSO’s or anyone else directly associated with the neighbourhood.
10. Bodies on the ground, and without Neighbourhood Watch and our regular contact with police that phrase could sadly become a reality, harsh but true.
11. Surprising as it may seem, the idea of neighbourhood councils are a fundamental part of the democratic process, to which every councillor is paid for and has signed up to. I don’t want to live in an Area, how dare you, that’s outmoded 1980’s corporate marketing jargon. I live in, help to create and support a living neighbourhood.
12. Council officials, many of whom do not live in the City and some even live hundreds of miles away, their families see the City of Peterborough as a distant commuting destination and accordingly evening meetings are nothing less than an intrusion into their metropolitan family lifestyle. Some have little or no physical connection with the day to day residential and community aspect of living and surviving in this City.
13. I’m not saying that council officers are not professional, but simple human nature would dictate officials find the most accommodating system to first suit them and not us, the residents and voters who live in this City.
14. So I’m strongly suggesting to you, each one individually, this proposal is still very much work in progress, the basic consultation is fatally flawed and the whole Part II, 64 page document (and I have read it) not suitable for a proud city council but would probably work for a Borough or even a town such as Luton.
15. Neighbourhood Policing Panels with their own specific single agenda meetings are a key and a vital element in obtaining Neighbourhood Watch and neighbourhood agency co-operation and resources, combating all forms of anti social behaviour, serious crime, rape, drug and drink offences, domestic violence, property and street crime such as muggings and bag snatches.
16. We even have Neighbourhood Watch members on our patch physically painting out grafitti on street furniture and telecoms turrets. The utilities having supplied us directly with the paint, as council officials take months to remove unsightly tags even though they are made aware of them. I still have some bleached out street signs on my patch Ramsay Way it should read. PCC neighbourhood managers have known about this sign for some 5 months. It will however feature on our website.
17. It stands to reason that Neighbourhood Policing meetings cannot be truncated into a superficial one size fits all one shop, or rushed through at the early start of an “Area Committee” public meeting and sitting in a horseshoe for heavens sake! [The horseshoe format is specifically designed so that all members of a committee can see each other, those addressing the committee however sit facing the horseshoe with their backs to the main body of the hall i.e. the ‘audience’ and effectively block and exclude the ‘audience’; as all they see throughout the meeting is an ever changing row of backs and therefore cannot connect to the person or persons addressing the committee or even see the committee.]
18. Indeed figures on our patch show that ASB incidents are dramatically down ask Neighbourhood Policing Team Inspector Matt Snow at Hampton. Clear up rates do however differ from neighbourhood to neighbourhood.
19. The initial terms of reference do not mention at all Police led neighbourhood policing panels and they only seem to come into the narrative on page 17 where the success of the police led meetings are brutally hijacked to make the ‘Area committee’ concept ‘more interesting’ and ‘attract an audience’, the reality is that council officials in some areas have simply failed.
20. It is expedient according to the proposal to hijack and annex the successful police-led meetings. I’ll just say it’s a crime to do so. Police Neighbourhood Panels in conjunction with e-cops really do work.
21. At police led meetings it is the concentrated opportunity for Neighbourhood Watch and local social activists to exchange information and intelligence with police and agencies.
22. Agree objectives face to face, to get information on ASB hotspots and a whole range of crime issues, underage drinking, glue sniffing, domestic violence, car theft, drug taking, criminal damage. The result: we can dynamically and immediately adjust the local Neighbourhood Watch strategy, accordingly this cannot be done in a one size fits all PR driven arrangement.
23. Save the one stop shops for the likes of Vivacity to play with. It’s just not practicable, sensible or something that Neighbourhood Watch members would feel comfortable with. We would then have to seek out our own private meetings with police, thus adding to their workload, thus avoiding an endless agenda suggested by an “Area Committee”
24. Over the years, many Neighbourhood Watch leaders and supporters have been threatened and one leader in particular - instrumental in breaking up a gang culture in her area - this included murders and generation on generation family vendettas - had police protection for five years following the trial and jailing of the offenders. Tell her, that her selfless years of running and sustaining Neighbourhood Watch schemes is now just cannon fodder for a bland one-stop shop where we all sit in a horseshoe..
25. Crimewatch committee members may also discreetly attend the police led meetings , they are very unlikely to attend or welcome the one size fits all format. For that is what it is.
26. Councillors, you have the power to conduct a fully inclusive and well thought out consultation. You have the power to send this incomplete and lopsided proposal back for further work. Drill down, (a bottom up consultation if you like) talk to the people on the ground, in the neighbourhoods, the people at the front line, volunteers who don’t mind getting their hands dirty, litter picking even, all to support their community and local neighbourhood.
27. An ‘area’ is just a slab of concrete. It sounds nasty and indeed the proposal is at face value just that, unworthy of a proud City, the City of Peterborough. Honourable councillors and officers. Thank You
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581 Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Fletton, Stanground & Woodston Neighbourhood Council Report:
You refer to the Youth Forum’s spend of Section 106 money, which is in fact inaccurate, this money is not Section 106 money, the money could potentially come from Capital budget (as per this year’s Neighbourhood Council Budget) or from the Councillors Community Leadership Fund.
The Neighbourhood Council Budget update, you refer to the allocation, to Youth Activities as £5000.00 and then record the actual spend as £8008.00 – both of which are correct, I just wanted to clarify that the Youth activities allocation was pooled with the £5000.00 allocation for improvements to Parks & Open spaces which then allowed for the full cost of £8008 to be covered.
A full house for the Neighbourhood Council Meeting which curiously didn't reveal that a proposal to merge and combine into one single meeting, this event with the Police Neighbourhood Panel Meeting. (See earlier item below) had been tabled and would be debated this week in Council.
Under the chairmanship of Cllr. Goodwin an almost full turnout of of our elected councillors with the exception of Flettons Cllr F. Benton (apologies) who also was absent from the previous meeting.
Attending: Stanground Central : Cllr M Cereste, Cllr B. Rush, Cllr. I Walsh Stanground East: Cllr J. Wilkinson, Fletton: Cllr M Lee and Cllr. L Serluca
Youth Forum gave a spirited and well managed lucid PowerPoint presentation on how they would spend S106 funds of (ie not fundraise!) £10,000 to make improvements in the area and although some of the ideas were not practicable, several were and at least one the provision of a pathway between the new skateboard park, the shelter and the public pathway was adopted. The idea was to ensure that mud from the grass approach would not be deposited on the skateboard ramps making them dangerous to use, and funding from a variety of sources earmarked for the project.
Neighbourhood Manager Lisa Emmanuel confirmed that the 'top-slice' funding required had been found that that she had physically signed off the requirement earlier in the day! Clearly a case of great minds thinking alike. Mention should also be made of Susan Schofield and Jenny Humphreys (either of which could immediately get a job with the Key Theatre as highly energetic stage prompts) 'Youth MP' Kamal Highman was also introduced and takes up his role on the 1st April 2011, and once he has his feet under the desk will be back to give us all an update. Best of Luck Kamal and we are happy to support you!
The Carbon Challenge Development and the STEM Centre Project at PUFC We have already commented on Richard Hodgsons dire presentational style but this important project does seem to have not only gone off the rails but also into the realms of fantasty. We are talking about the parcel of land alongside the River Nene, the Old B&Q and Matalan sheds, PUFC ground, football stands and pitch, old railway building and all the buildings/nightclub fronting London Road adjacent to the football ground.
This was billed as "an update on the proposals and an opportunity for discussion with the officers involved" In reality it fell to project leader Richard Hodgson who then raced through the proposals at breakneck speed but not before we all managed to extract some nuggets from his presentation. The development seeks to be carbon neutral, will save one football spectator stand but introduce three new stands and increase the overall capacity by some 4,000 people on matchdays.
The number of units is given as 70-300 and the number of residential units ie houses 294, all eco-carbon friendly and in line with that, very few car parking spaces have been designed into the overall plan, the idea Mr Hodgson suggested was for the residents and businesses to use the bus, walk or a park and ride, he even suggested that electric cars would probably be acceptable in the future (as we reported earlier in response to a question from the floor Mr Hodgson used his car to get to the meeting).
Completion is thought to be around 2013. Mr Hodgson briefly touched on a 'public sector hub relocation' and we've asked the jargon police for a clarification. No one was able to say that as this seems to be a community stadium, would it be open for use by other sports such as Rugby or field sports and local groups or is this exclusively for the use of PUFC and football?
Clearly the assembled residents were not happy with what they they were hearing, and one resident called the artists impressions of the development 'dishonest' another 'the flats looked like something out of East Germany under the GDR'.
Generally most people present were unhappy and after several interventions concluded that apart from planning blight and a further severe drop in property and apartment prices, severe disruption to London Road would continue for some four years or so. There would be no let up from illegally parked vehicles on football days and Mr Hodgson was unable to confirm in response from a concerned resident who lives opposite the proposed site, if the contractors would be on a fixed price or if the works would increase employment locally.
On a lighter note, Mr Hodgson confirmed that PUFC would effectively be in charge of the carbon challenge once the development was completed but none of the proposals had been approved or formally presented to PUFC as "We wouldn't want PUFC to have to attend meetings like this....." Still the idea of Barry Fry as the new Carbon Tzar suggests that anything is possible... general feeling "work in progress" or as another resident put it "dinner of a dog...", more widespread and realistic consultation is required and the need to greatly increase the car parking space provision in order to accommodate the weekday traffic flow and additionally the greatly increased matchday traffic flow.....
Street Leader Scheme Roy Clark gave a report on the progress of the Street Leader Scheme and said they had volunteers and were looking for things to do. They now have 'toolkits' and can rapidly train up volunteers so far 70 strong and 120 on the books.
Budgets An impressive short PowerPoint presentation from Lisa Emmanuel, Neighbourhood Manager, Funding total; £25,000 actual spend: £24,830 Youth Budget £5,000 Actual spend: £8,008
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581 Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT All Press Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581