Peterborough City Council Cabinet Meeting Monday 21st March 2011
Report by Morag Irving
We attended the meeting above on your behalf from the public gallery and these are some extracts from the notes I made at the time. Again, all the texts in italics are my thoughts as are all the mistakes. I’ll leave the Neighbourhood Council Review to Julian (as before). My notes cover the Peterborough Local Investment Plan and Long Term Strategy and Local Transport Plan.
The meeting was chaired by Marco Cereste and among the councillors attending those from our area were Councillor Walsh and Councillor Lee.
The need to identify land for executive housing was raised and the need to define ‘prestige housing’.
Empty houses need to brought back into use, some 189 houses in Peterborough have been empty for 2 years or more.
The questionnaire circulated in ‘Your Peterborough’ brought 1,200 responses.
The need to showcase Peterborough as an Environmental Capital was raised.
Park and Ride, or Park and walk were seen as priorities.
The impact of building another 5,000 houses in Hampton, and the subsequent impact on Yaxley was raised. Concerns were raised re the access roads to Hampton and any problems an emergency vehicle may encounter.
I know from a previous Neighbourhood Council meeting this issue had already been discussed. The Police had asked the Fire Brigade to negotiate the roads and this had been done successfully. However, with another 5 thousand homes it may be a different matter.
The need for better signage in the city was raised.
Magna Park although not discussed was an item in the paperwork. I’ll quote directly from the summary.
How would the extra freight from the Magna Park development be handled? It was important that the quality of life for residents in the area was maintained.
We would look at a quality partnership e.g. allocating priority lanes for the vehicles when needed. A transport assessment would need to be done for Magna Park but as a planning application had not yet been submitted this had not yet happened. We would look at the application very carefully.
So would we! As you know we remain politically impartial, but against the Magna Park development.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough, UK Tel: 01733 345581 >>Broadcasters dial ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT Media Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
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