Wartime workers...the original model and the graphic rendering... |
Local Government MInister Eric Pickles recently set out the Government view on Local Government as a foretaste of the Localism Bill, we've added some thoughts [in italics]
The Government believes that it is time for a fundamental shift of power from Westminster to people. We are promoting decentralisation and democratic engagement, and we are ending the era of top-down government by giving new powers to local councils, communities, neighbourhoods and individuals.
If this is to happen we need to ensure the 'best jobs' are not taken up by serving local councillors otherwise it will just be a matter of moving the deckchairs around. A quick peek at the PCC website show that some Councillors once elected just can't be bothered to turn up at scheduled council meetings. A certain newly elected Councillor is rated at 40% but he did send in apologies (rated at 100%)!We are promoting the radical devolution of power and greater financial autonomy to councils, local residents and community groups.
How radical remains to be seen, local residents and community groups usually get a bad press and a rough ride from councils. The powers will need to have teeth and proper public access to make it work, but we like it so far...We are abolishing Regional Spatial Strategies and returning decision-making powers on housing and planning to local councils, and have given councils new powers to help stop unwanted 'garden grabbing'.
Excellent News, the RSS were always too big and never really turned out the way they were presented at the outset but bad luck for the town and country planners and their legions of backroom boys as they will all be looking for jobs.We have abolished the unelected Infrastructure Planning Commission and are replacing it with an efficient and democratically accountable system that provides a fast-track process for major infrastructure projects.
How quickly this can be introduced remains to be seen, but a smart move if they can get sufficient support.
We are abolishing Labour's unelected tiers of regional government, transferring power back to local communities.
More good news but the fear is that some valuable local and regional expertise could be lost in transition.We will provide more protection against aggressive bailiffs and unreasonable charging orders, ensuring that courts have the power to insist that repossession is always a last resort.
This is already happening in some areas, there has to be a better way and underlines how tight money is going to be in future.We are enacting a range of measures to bring empty homes into use.
Not so much empty homes but putting some effort into new housing stock is still urgently required.We are scrapping costly Home Information Packs, saving money for people selling their homes.
A very silly idea in the first place, but how many people invested in the training packages and now find their future vanished? More work on an exit route for them required!We are supporting the building of more homes through new incentives that will reward and support local development.
We highlighted this above so perhaps we are both thinking along the same lines and clearly local rules!The Government are reforming social housing through measures to tackle overcrowding and under-occupation, improve mobility and enable social landlords to target support where it is needed most.
You really have to wonder why this is needed when an army of support staff is already resident within housing associations, some are excellent and others need coaxing along, what on earth have they been doing up to now? We are giving councils stronger powers to tackle unauthorised traveller sites and abuse of the planning system.
Perhaps Central Government should really take this one on and devise a national strategy, many local councils will not have the resources or expertise to handle these operations with kid gloves...We have increased small business rate relief for a year, and are making it easier for small firms and small shops to claim rate relief.
Too little, too late, a universal bar on upward only commercial rent reviews would be a good idea and save our High Streets!We have funded a Council Tax freeze in England for 2011-12, in partnership with local councils.
More flexibility needed to make this work in the longer termWe are creating directly elected mayors in the 12 largest English cities, subject to confirmatory referendums and full scrutiny by elected councillors.
This is based on the American model, could we be seeing directly elected Police Chiefs next?We are introducing new powers to help communities save local facilities and services threatened with closure, and giving communities the right to bid to take over local state-run services.
It still begs the question where will the funding/ revenues come from and how can local communities bid to take over local state-run services if the banks won't co-operate as the continue to boost their asset ratio base ie shove more of our money into a deep locked up reserve..We are giving councillors the power to vote on and veto large salary packages for unelected council officials.
Defeats the purpose if the power is just devolved to councillors they need some experts to guide them as well..We have scrapped Labour's plans for new bin taxes on family homes and are working with councils to improve the quality and frequency of rubbish and recycling collections.
Small concession but possibly a longer term vote winner, we will never see a return to weekly bin collections though...shameWe have increased transparency and accountability, by ensuring councils publish online their spending, tenders and contracts over £500, and by publicising senior pay packets for public scrutiny.
The community leaders fund hopefully is included in this? We are cutting the red tape, paperwork and form-filling that hinder local people from organising street parties, fetes and local community events.
Hmmm, not all councils are listening, still some form filling requiredWe have given new guidance to councils to cut unnecessary street clutter, which wastes taxpayers’ money, harms local amenity and undermines road safety.
Another nail in the coffin of 20 MPH limits.... (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 (C)Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch 2011, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will anonymously take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW