It really is amazing a deal looks too good to be true yet many of us will still fall for it. NO not many, thousands will fall for it! The new SCAMBUSTERS booklet free from the link above, is required reading if you are not up to date on the latest internet, royal mail and telephone scams.
All the chestnuts are in here along with a few new ones. Might be worth discussing the contents with your family, children and any enthusiastic 'silver surfers'.
If you think you've been caught by a scam or about to be call Consumer Direct on 08454 0405 06 tell them we sent you. Or if you don't want discuss it with a call centre, give us a call and we will talk you through what we know.
Scam List:
Advance Fee (Nigerian Letter and 419 scam) e-mail offers you huge sums of money to get money out of a foreign country - you just have to send a small administration fee and helpfully give them your bank details and passwords too in some cases.
Clairvoyants and Psychics Mass mailings: Send me money or something horrible/nice will happen to you!
Investment Opportunities Shares Gemstones Fine Wines. Usually run by overseas 'Boiler room' fly by night organisations.
Lotteries Congratulations! we just happened to pick you e-mail number blah blah blah... send an administration fee to unlock the money mountain....
Miracle Health Cures... Really nasty one this. Just ignore them all or run it by your Doctor first! Do not part with any money, please it is a nasty sick scam.
Online Dating. You sign up exchange e-mails then the distant potential lover male or female says he/she has been robbed/ needs urgent medical treatments / wants to meet you but cannot afford the flight. You being a kind person and 'in cyber love' send the money.......romance over you'll never hear from them again....
Phishing .... Your bank suddenly loves you and send you emails to update, validate, confirm your status. Don't do it unless you want your bank account immediately emptied and if you have an overdraft that would be gobbled up as well....
These are just a few of the scams outlined in the free booklet from the Office of Fair Trading , we believe every home should have one....
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581 Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT All Press Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
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