We welcome back on the area PCSO Tania Weston who has taken over from Stuart Craig and is working with Shirley. Tania previously covered Stanground before moving over to Hampton; she has found the move back easy and enjoyed catching up with familiar faces and taking on the new challenges of the area.
For the period of 01/02/2011 – 14/02/2011 there were 110 incidents reported for Stanground, Park Farm and Cardea. Incidents called into the Police Service Centre ranged from Violence to Broken Down Vehicles. Of these 25 crimes were raised and are broken down as follows:
For the period of 01/02/2011 – 14/02/2011 there were 110 incidents reported for Stanground, Park Farm and Cardea. Incidents called into the Police Service Centre ranged from Violence to Broken Down Vehicles. Of these 25 crimes were raised and are broken down as follows:
- Theft of Motor Vehicle 3
- Making Off Without Payment 1
- Theft from Shop 1
- ASB 3
- Theft Other than Dwelling 3
- Robbery 2
- Burglary 3
- Burglary Shed 3
- Harassment 1
- Criminal Damage 2
- Affray 1
- Theft of Pedal Cycle 2
Shirley and Tania your local PCSO’s continue to do high visible patrols in the area on foot and in the vehicle and have attended several meetings involving the community and schools.
Two of these meeting worth special note are, 29th January, a coffee morning at St. Michaels Church Hall, Mace Road. This was an opportunity for residents to meet with their Local Councillors and Shailesh Vara MP. This event was very well attended and gave residents the opportunity to discuss concerns with their Councillors, MP and Police. Our thanks to Councillor Rush who made the arrangements.
3rd February, Southfields Junior School Welfare Drop In Meeting which is the first one the police have attended. We will in future be attending these meetings and look forward to meeting anyone who wishes to discuss issues with us.
We are still getting reports of parking problems around the schools especially at the end of the school day. These are a concern to us as reports are being received that some vehicles are being parked on zebra crossings or the zig zags. This is dangerous for those using the crossing and is an offence which carries a £60 fine and 3 points. We do our best to cover these schools but it is impossible to allocate the necessary time to each school. We have been advised by Paul Phillipson PCC that a car with a camera is to be made available to attend all schools. The idea is that the car will photograph all vehicles parked illegally and will be processed by PCC. It is anticipated that the vehicle will be up and running in May 2011, we will give more information once this is available to us.
Arrangements have been made with PCSO Haleem to carry out Speed Watch in Stanground and Park Farm, which is an area of concern for many residents.
Stanground/Park Farm continues to move forward in a very positive way, with crime on the decline this has been as a result of hard work and commitment from everyone, please keep ringing in your concerns it is the only way we the Police and our partners can find out what is happening and initiate early actions to disrupt crime.
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