Local Cllr Irene Walsh is chair of the group responsible for Peterborough’s controversial new War Memorial. The memorial costing an estimated 45k, raised by public subscription is due to be in place for November next year.
The memorial to be sited near the Town Hall is described by the architect as ‘a pyramid surmounted by a steel globe which represents the universality of suffering’. Hmmm nothing at all pretentious there then! Why I wonder does it say nothing about Peterborough? The people, the engineering heritage? Sited as it is as close to a Norman Cathedral it looks more like something from Hogwarts,a pyramid in Peterborough? The banner at the top will soon become a beacon for those aiming traffic cones at it.
More interesting is why we are commissioning a new memorial? Next year the chair of the steering group is up for re-election, and it seems, keen to be seen as a patron of the arts. The memorials we build often say more about the mind set in which they are built. Those most affected, the families of those lost have described the new design as ‘terrible’.
Around the corner in the Cathedral Gardens sits the existing memorial. This memorial is a classic and has already stood the test of time. Wouldn’t it be a much better option to move this into the public thoroughfare, close to the Town Hall? Do we really need to do this, are we remembering the fallen, or are we building it for different reasons?
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
PFNN : Park Farm Neighbourhood News & Stanground Community News Network. Serving Residents of Stanground, Park Farm, Fletton, Cardea [Stanground South] & Woodston. Supporting Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch & Residents Group.
NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING TEAM NP Sergeant: SIMON GOLDSMITH Tel: NEW NON EMERGENCY NUMBER 101 NP Constables: Rob Giffen, Neil Fraser & Matt Marchbank PSCOs': Shirley Beswick, Stuart Craig, Tina Griffin, Mohammed Haleem, Tania Weston, David Holland & Lloyd Ledgister.
POLICE Neighbourhood Panel Meeting [Chair Chris York]: Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th January 2012 at Mace Road Church Hall, Stanground 7pm to 9pm. All residents WELCOME!
NEW NON EMERGENCY POLICE NUMBER 101 http://www.cambspolice.uk/ or call CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 PFNN EDITED BY JULIAN BRAY (NEWSDESK 01733 345581). We welcome your comments. We serve Stanground, Park Farm, Fletton, Cardea and Woodston neighbourhoods.
Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Association is registered with Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network (England & Wales) Registered Charity No: 1133637 and Company No: 7592594
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Busy Stanground Surgery on Peterborough NHS Closure List ?
STOP PRESS: As ever we are grateful to BBC Radio Cambridgeshire for this latest information Anyone wishing to contribute to the Emergency Services Consultation, which ends soon, should contact AMY at Peterborough NHS on 01733 758590 Amy will also update you on all current issues relating to the Stanground Surgery.
Her e-mail address is involvement@peterboroughpct.nhs.uk
website: http://www.peterborough.nhs.uk/
General phone number: 01733 758500
During the Stanground Neighbourhood Committee Meeting held earlier this week the following issue came up following a quick look at some Peterborough NHS documents handed out during the meeting. We think the issue is so important that the current NHS consultation should be halted and the information corrected to ensure it is accurate.
"I refer to your consultation document The Right Care at the Right Time NHS and wish to strongly protest on behalf of the citizens living in the neighbourhoods of Stanground, Park Farm and Cardea; that your document The Right Care at the Right Time makes no mention of The Stanground Surgery and the location of the Stanground Surgery does not appear on any map contained in the consultation document. The area where it should be is left blank."
"In this shoddy document, there is no supporting information concerning this important Stanground Surgery, therefore the consultation process is fatally flawed and should be immediately halted until full CORRECT & UP TO DATE information on what is physically and currently available in the NHS area under review is fully included.
"The Stanground Surgery in addition to serving the existing population will also serve the new residential Peterborough populations of Cardea and the recently announced Persimmon 138 new homes development opposite Park Farm and adjacent to the new by-pass. It will also serve the increased roll call of 1,800 students at Stanground College (or whatever it is renamed) following the massive rebuilding programme which will inter alia drastically the reduce the current sports playing field. It will also serve the 5,000 jobs the City council say will be created by the Magna Park 'Shed' Rail Freight Interchange Development or a Mega Park and Ride Terminal (depending on which local councillor is briefing).
"IF this busy Stanground Surgery is to be closed then local citizens deserve much better than this and should be properly consulted and a last minute unannounced appearance, and poor quality garbled presentation at the Stanground Neighbourhood Committee Meeting earlier this week is in no way a formal consultation and should not therefore be publicised as part of your consultation which you claim to have started on 18 May and will end on 18 August. This week was the first time we have heard of this and clearly as you have omitted the information concerning our Stanground Surgery, we would not have been targeted or known about it.
"The document as presented does not assist and I am concerned that if you get no reaction from Stanground (as no information is included) you will automatically assume on a statistical basis that we are in favour of closing down the Stanground Surgery when we most clearly are not.
"I also have to tell you that when I have been admitted to hospital for surgery, the hospitals at three different times over an 18 month period. Clinicians have repeatedly had problems in locating the Stanground Surgery on the NHS computer listings. It could be because of this that the Stanground Surgery has been airbrushed from your consultation.
"I am also surprised that our local councillors Rush and Walsh, did not immediately pick up on this important omission and make suitable representations about the omissions before the public consultation began. The omission was noticed by a local resident who just happened to flick through the document at the Neighbourhood Committee Meeting held in Stanground earlier this week. We are clearly entitled to expect that our local councillors have had access to the draft or proof documents before any public consultation process is formally started.
"We would also appreciate a simple written document without spurious graphics detailing exactly how this neighbourhood will be losing out if the Stanground Surgery is to be closed or decommissioned.
"I would also appreciate a formal press notice on this omission and what you intend to do about it as we intend to carry this serious omission on the PFNW website
( monthly page hits around 3,000+ )."
Kind regards
Julian Bray MCIPR, NUJ, Equity
The Stanground Surgery
Whittlesey Road
Tel: 01733 568569
Fax: 01733 892419
Surgery Opening Hours
Monday-Friday 8.30 - 6.00pm
Tel: 01733 568569
Fax: 01733 892419
Surgery Opening Hours
Monday-Friday 8.30 - 6.00pm
June 30th, 2011
In the Peterborough NHS “The Right Time The Right Care booklet, page 21 shows a map of how the primary care will look, Stanground does not show a surgery.
This has caused confusion for many residents and as a result, I have recieved phone calls and emails asking if it was actually closing.
After speaking with the surgery manager, the reason that Stanground Surgery is missing from the map is because it comes under Cambridgeshire Primary Care Trust and is partnered with Whittlesey.
It is not a very clear explanation of the proposed changes and therefore a circular should be produced to clarify the situation.
At the recent Neighbourhood Committee meeting held in Stanground College 28th June, a representative from Peterborough PCT was in attendance and gave a brief presentation, however he failed to clarify or explain the situation with Stanground Surgery.
If you are interested in being part of a steering group for Stanground Surgery please contact Chris York asap.
Dear Julian
At the recent Health Commission Scrutiny meeting I raised the question of why there is no mention of Doctor Surgery provision in the consultation document for Stanground especially the fact that another 1700 houses, approx, are going to be built on the Stanground South, Cardea development.
I was given the answer that discussions were going on between the PCT and the Whittlesey Road Surgery, which is a satellite surgery of the Whittlesey practice, about expanding the surgery to cater for the expected increase in the population of Stanground and told that the surgery would not be closing.
Having already asked this question I had hoped that somebody else at the Neighbourhood Committee meeting would have raised the same question. I will contact the PCT and get further clarification.
Cllr B.Rush
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999 alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Neighbourhood Committee Meeting Tuesday 28th June - Stanground College name may be dropped after revamp..
Neighbourhood Committee Meeting Tuesday 28th June 2011
Morag Irving reports:
All Stanground & Fletton Cllrs were present tonight except Cllrs, Lee, Harper & Benton who sent apologies.
The main hall at Stanground College was very full tonight which was very good to see.
The agenda was a long one with 9 items, so as usual I have abbreviated this report and if you would like more information please contact me.
The Youth Forum led by Sue Schofield gave a presentation of how they spent the 5k they were given at a previous meeting. As previously reported this included a path from the Skateboard Park to the Stanground Community Centre. The group said they would like to be able to use the Community Centre (we all would)!
The next meeting of the Youth Forum is at:
Heritage Park School 6pm on 12th September
If you would like more details please contact: Susan.schofield@peterborough.gov.uk I am sure you will be made very welcome.
A presentation was made by Peterborough Care Trust about changes to Health Care.
Jonathan Lewis, Assistant Director of Education & Resources led a presentation about the changes to Stanground College. The college is about to become an academy. There are 4 contenders for controlling the new academy they will work with PCC funding of £22.4 million.
The new building will be built next to the old one (similar to the way the New Hospital was built). It is anticipated work will start in early Spring of next year with pupils moving in around September of 2013.
Cllr Walsh, a governor, was unable to confirm the college would retain its current name. The public will be able to preview the building plans on 19th July, and a decision will be made on the new sponsors very soon afterwards.
Cllr Cereste told the meeting about the new Neighbourhood Council Review. This is also briefly covered by my previous reports below.
The open session is where questions are invited from the floor.
Among tonight’s questions were:
Street Cleaning Issues – The call has to be made to the Council first on 01733 747474, who will instruct the new operators Enterprise: there is no direct number for the new contractors.
Use of Section 106 monies – Cllr Cereste explained in detail local involvement with the allocation of money.
The entrance to Fletton Cemetery – Work with this (& the path to the Skateboard Park) has been held up due to the new contractors taking up the role.
Fairfield Road Church – Cllr Serluca noted no new planning applications.
Community Centres -The meeting concluded with Cllr Serluca requesting a presentation at the next meeting from all the areas Community Centres to explain how the centres are used, by whom, and what is happening in them.
The venue for the next meeting is to be officially confirmed but the date will be
Wednesday 21st September.
Please come along, your neighbourhood has £25k funding available and it is up to you to help decide where it should be spent!
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999 alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
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Cllr. Harper sent apologies... |
All Stanground & Fletton Cllrs were present tonight except Cllrs, Lee, Harper & Benton who sent apologies.
The main hall at Stanground College was very full tonight which was very good to see.
The agenda was a long one with 9 items, so as usual I have abbreviated this report and if you would like more information please contact me.
The Youth Forum led by Sue Schofield gave a presentation of how they spent the 5k they were given at a previous meeting. As previously reported this included a path from the Skateboard Park to the Stanground Community Centre. The group said they would like to be able to use the Community Centre (we all would)!
The next meeting of the Youth Forum is at:
Heritage Park School 6pm on 12th September
If you would like more details please contact: Susan.schofield@peterborough.gov.uk I am sure you will be made very welcome.
A presentation was made by Peterborough Care Trust about changes to Health Care.
Jonathan Lewis, Assistant Director of Education & Resources led a presentation about the changes to Stanground College. The college is about to become an academy. There are 4 contenders for controlling the new academy they will work with PCC funding of £22.4 million.
The new building will be built next to the old one (similar to the way the New Hospital was built). It is anticipated work will start in early Spring of next year with pupils moving in around September of 2013.
Cllr Walsh, a governor, was unable to confirm the college would retain its current name. The public will be able to preview the building plans on 19th July, and a decision will be made on the new sponsors very soon afterwards.
Cllr Cereste told the meeting about the new Neighbourhood Council Review. This is also briefly covered by my previous reports below.
The open session is where questions are invited from the floor.
Among tonight’s questions were:
Street Cleaning Issues – The call has to be made to the Council first on 01733 747474, who will instruct the new operators Enterprise: there is no direct number for the new contractors.
Use of Section 106 monies – Cllr Cereste explained in detail local involvement with the allocation of money.
The entrance to Fletton Cemetery – Work with this (& the path to the Skateboard Park) has been held up due to the new contractors taking up the role.
Fairfield Road Church – Cllr Serluca noted no new planning applications.
Community Centres -The meeting concluded with Cllr Serluca requesting a presentation at the next meeting from all the areas Community Centres to explain how the centres are used, by whom, and what is happening in them.
The venue for the next meeting is to be officially confirmed but the date will be
Wednesday 21st September.
Please come along, your neighbourhood has £25k funding available and it is up to you to help decide where it should be spent!
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999 alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Someone is arrested for murder every 5 days because of information passed to Crimestoppers.
Not to mention the £800 of drugs seized every hour because of information we receive.
We are the independent charity committed to solving crimes and we rely on your support to continue doing so.
Do you want to make your community a safer place? You can volunteer for Crimestoppers and join in the fight against crime! Your time is valuable to us, so even if you can only spare a few hours a month to volunteer for Crimestoppers, you'll see the difference you can make to your community. Find out about the opportunities available in your area!
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Not to mention the £800 of drugs seized every hour because of information we receive.
We are the independent charity committed to solving crimes and we rely on your support to continue doing so.
Do you want to make your community a safer place? You can volunteer for Crimestoppers and join in the fight against crime! Your time is valuable to us, so even if you can only spare a few hours a month to volunteer for Crimestoppers, you'll see the difference you can make to your community. Find out about the opportunities available in your area!
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Stanground Neighbourhood Meeting Tonight (TUESDAY)
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An open forum to make the voice of the citizen heard... |
Neighbourhood Committee Meeting
TONIGHT 28th June -
Stanground College
from 6pm
Meeting proper starts 7pm
Neighbourhood Committee Meeting (previously known as Neighbourhood Councils) 28th June Stanground College 7pm.
Dog fouling / abusive dog owners, trophy dogs, minimotos, verge parking, drinking in the street, anti-social behaviour - the floor is yours!
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Why checking Facebook on holiday could land you with a £750 bill
Its not just the on-board casino that may make a hole in your pocket, you mobile phone bill on return might just empty your family bank account as well |
Courtesy www.walletpop.com
Why checking Facebook on holiday could land you with an unexpected £750 bill...
Fans of social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook are being warned to think twice before checking their profiles and updating their statuses by mobile phone while overseas this summer.
If they don't, they could be hit with massive data roaming bills of £750 or more on their return.
If they don't, they could be hit with massive data roaming bills of £750 or more on their return.
New research from Carphone Warehouse indicates that most holidaymakers fail to check mobile phone network data roaming charges before they go abroad – and two out of three have been stung with big bills as a result.
The survey of 2,000 people also reveals that a third of mobile phone users update social networking sites using their smartphones, and that this is one of the main reasons so many travellers get a nasty shock when they open their post-holiday phone bills.
Britons who have fallen into this trap include Carly Woodgate, a 30-year-old mental health support worker from south west London, who regularly checked Facebook and Twitter while she holidayed in New York and was hit by a £750 bill when she returned. Carphone Warehouse's Paul Lappage said: "Often people are keen to post their holiday snaps on Facebook but if your smartphone includes a high megapixel camera it could mean a couple of megabytes per photo – which could soon rack up a big bill."
Visiting social networking sites is not the only mobile activity that could cost you dear while you are away, though. Checking your e-mails, particularly if you download attachments using your phone, can also lead to large bills.
And anyone taking their laptop away with them should also be aware that going online while abroad can also prove hugely expensive if done via a mobile network.
One business traveller I wrote a story about a few years ago, for example, was unaware that his wife had started downloading two episodes of Friends from a website before he left for a two-day trip to Germany and was hit with a bill for £11,000 when he got back to the UK as a result.
Fortunately, the European Union has curbed data roaming charges since then. But it is still expensive to go online abroad - especially if you are travelling outside Europe.
Carphone Warehouse is therefore urging Britons jetting off on holiday this summer to check the data roaming charges that will apply where they are going before leaving home.
To avoid high charges, it also suggests tourists ensure a data cap is in place, use applications to check data usage, turn off 'data roaming', avoid data-intensive applications such as Google Maps and YouTube and use wi-fi spots to update Facebook and Twitter without using the local 3G network.
Fans of texting while abroad should also use MMS, which can contain photos and up to 1,024 characters instead of SMS, which has a maximum of 160 characters.
Related links
The survey of 2,000 people also reveals that a third of mobile phone users update social networking sites using their smartphones, and that this is one of the main reasons so many travellers get a nasty shock when they open their post-holiday phone bills.
Britons who have fallen into this trap include Carly Woodgate, a 30-year-old mental health support worker from south west London, who regularly checked Facebook and Twitter while she holidayed in New York and was hit by a £750 bill when she returned. Carphone Warehouse's Paul Lappage said: "Often people are keen to post their holiday snaps on Facebook but if your smartphone includes a high megapixel camera it could mean a couple of megabytes per photo – which could soon rack up a big bill."
Visiting social networking sites is not the only mobile activity that could cost you dear while you are away, though. Checking your e-mails, particularly if you download attachments using your phone, can also lead to large bills.
And anyone taking their laptop away with them should also be aware that going online while abroad can also prove hugely expensive if done via a mobile network.
One business traveller I wrote a story about a few years ago, for example, was unaware that his wife had started downloading two episodes of Friends from a website before he left for a two-day trip to Germany and was hit with a bill for £11,000 when he got back to the UK as a result.
Fortunately, the European Union has curbed data roaming charges since then. But it is still expensive to go online abroad - especially if you are travelling outside Europe.
Carphone Warehouse is therefore urging Britons jetting off on holiday this summer to check the data roaming charges that will apply where they are going before leaving home.
To avoid high charges, it also suggests tourists ensure a data cap is in place, use applications to check data usage, turn off 'data roaming', avoid data-intensive applications such as Google Maps and YouTube and use wi-fi spots to update Facebook and Twitter without using the local 3G network.
Fans of texting while abroad should also use MMS, which can contain photos and up to 1,024 characters instead of SMS, which has a maximum of 160 characters.
Related links
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Stanground Community Centre Charity after new funds ??
Alan Brian Couson, driver of PCV buses owned by the charity and regularly parked overnight at Stanground Infants School needs more PCC funding.. |
This would be the same unincorporated charity, that is over half a decade behind in filing financial accounts and recently splashed out £3,500 of charity funds on a 'Luxury Travel' bus ?
Stop Press: Cllr Rush has called in at 3:30 pm on Sunday and emphatically asserts that although he did give the Unincorporated Charity connected to the Stanground Community Centre, [although financial accounting and reporting from Charity 271705 is still outstanding for some five years] 'some money' from public funds earlier this year, no new claim on public funds within his (and he believes Cllr Walshs') gift has has been requested by Alan Coulson or his daughter Amanda Eddings or the Stanground Community Centre.
Cllr Rush also points out that a social event he attended was part of his official duties, a majorettes evening and that he stayed no longer than 10 minutes. Shame really as we would all pay good money to see any Councillor twirling a few batons and bashing a drum or two... as ever we are happy to put all points of view, we will however for fairness and balance be obliged to seek further information from our informants. We also invite our Councillors at any time, to add their own comments to any of the posts, as our neighbourhoods would all benefit from a closer understanding of how our elected councillors work on our behalf and how they distribute public funding as part of their remit.
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
New Hydrotheraphy Pool - leaking your Stanground Money.....
New Hydrotherapy pool - daily leaking community money.
We regularly attend Peterborough City Council Meetings on your behalf. (Any citizen can attend and sit in the Public Gallery, they will also be given a copy of the Agenda and background documents ) The April 13th council meeting - just 8 weeks ago - saw all local councillors donating to the therapy pool from their community funds. The fund is of course yours and the donation made is your money from your council tax, intended to be spent in your area. All Stanground councillors donated towards the pool, so Stanground and Park Farm Councillors' alone have already donated or flushed away around £3,500....
So we were very surprised to see this story in Saturday’s Evening Telegraph:
The City Council meeting in April had reported the pool to be ‘centre of excellence’, and impassioned speeches further rashly claimed 200 people made regular use of the pool. Our question to all our local councillors is how come only two months later it is already running into problems? Our second question is why did you pour money from the community fund for our neighbourhoods into projects serving ( or seemingly not serving ) another distant neighbourhood?
No GP referrals and why no supporting research with GP’s before spending Stanground and Park Farm community funds on what is turning out to be a wet elephant ? The truth is that medical opinion over the passive use of heat and hydrotherapy has changed in recent years in favour of more active manipulation, the type you can easily get with gentle flotation and a dog paddle at any swimming pool ....
The Hydrotheraphy pool will also be facing a massive hike in energy costs to heat it, up by 40 per cent in some cases.... You might also ask if the facility was such a 'centre of excellence' why has the new City Hospital not bothered to include one?
Each elected councillor has a community leaders fund and apart from some cursory application details, usually put togther by 'professional' advisers, the money is handed over with few further questions asked and even less follow ups....
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Stanground Community Centre (ET 23/6/11)
Stanground Community Centre.
Courtesy Peterborough Evening Telegraph
Published on Thursday 23 June 2011 13:21
COUNCIL chiefs and police have confirmed they are carrying out a review into a city charity after receiving a number of complaints.
Stanground Community Association, which runs Stanground Community Centre, in Whittlesey Road, Stanground, Peterborough is at the centre of a review by Peterborough City Council and police in relation to a number of allegations.
In a statement issued by the Town Hall to the Evening Telegraph, Detective Chief Inspector Gary Goose, strategic manager for the SaferPeterborough Partnership, remained tight-lipped about the nature of the allegations.
However, he said: “The council and police are reviewing information to see if there are grounds for a police investigation into a number of issues. In view of this, we cannot make any further comment at this time for fear of prejudicing the investigation.”
The review of information began last week and a council spokeswoman said they were not able to comment about how long it would take.
The Charity Commission, the organisation which regulates all charities in England and Wales, has also confirmed that it has received and it was investigating at least one complaint made against the association. A spokeswoman for the commission said that she could not disclose how many complaints had been received or their nature.
Despite several calls made by the Evening Telegraph, to the centre no one there was prepared to comment.
Chairman of the association, Alan Coulson declined to comment yesterday saying that the Evening Telegraph should talk to the city council.
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999 alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Courtesy Peterborough Evening Telegraph
Published on Thursday 23 June 2011 13:21
COUNCIL chiefs and police have confirmed they are carrying out a review into a city charity after receiving a number of complaints.
Stanground Community Association, which runs Stanground Community Centre, in Whittlesey Road, Stanground, Peterborough is at the centre of a review by Peterborough City Council and police in relation to a number of allegations.
In a statement issued by the Town Hall to the Evening Telegraph, Detective Chief Inspector Gary Goose, strategic manager for the SaferPeterborough Partnership, remained tight-lipped about the nature of the allegations.
However, he said: “The council and police are reviewing information to see if there are grounds for a police investigation into a number of issues. In view of this, we cannot make any further comment at this time for fear of prejudicing the investigation.”
The review of information began last week and a council spokeswoman said they were not able to comment about how long it would take.
The Charity Commission, the organisation which regulates all charities in England and Wales, has also confirmed that it has received and it was investigating at least one complaint made against the association. A spokeswoman for the commission said that she could not disclose how many complaints had been received or their nature.
Despite several calls made by the Evening Telegraph, to the centre no one there was prepared to comment.
Chairman of the association, Alan Coulson declined to comment yesterday saying that the Evening Telegraph should talk to the city council.
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999 alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
March 2012 closure confirmed for East of England Regional Development Agency
Regional Development Agencies
House of Lords Written answers and statements, 22 June 2011
Baroness Judith Wilcox (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Business, Innovation and Skills; Conservative):
My honourable friend the Minister for Business and Enterprise (Mark Prisk) has made the following Statement.
I am pleased to announce that I have decided to extend terms of appointment for 24 existing RDA board members up until RDA closure.
East of England Development Agency: Shona Johnstone, Madeleine Russell, Robert Swann
I have agreed to these appointment extensions, 23 starting on the 14 December 2011 and one starting on 5 March 2012 for a period of no more than one year in order that the RDA boards can remain quorate up until the expected closure of RDAs in March 2012. I have placed further details of these appointment extensions, including biographies, in the Libraries of both Houses. I can confirm that the appointments were made in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments Code of Practice.
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
House of Lords Written answers and statements, 22 June 2011
Baroness Judith Wilcox (Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Business, Innovation and Skills; Conservative):
My honourable friend the Minister for Business and Enterprise (Mark Prisk) has made the following Statement.
I am pleased to announce that I have decided to extend terms of appointment for 24 existing RDA board members up until RDA closure.
East of England Development Agency: Shona Johnstone, Madeleine Russell, Robert Swann
I have agreed to these appointment extensions, 23 starting on the 14 December 2011 and one starting on 5 March 2012 for a period of no more than one year in order that the RDA boards can remain quorate up until the expected closure of RDAs in March 2012. I have placed further details of these appointment extensions, including biographies, in the Libraries of both Houses. I can confirm that the appointments were made in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments Code of Practice.
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Thump a Home Intruding Crook (using reasonable force) to become Law
Comparing notes...PFNW Chair Julian Bray with Shailesh Vara MP |
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Monday, 20 June 2011
Most Wanted - Robbery Huntingdon
Can You Identify This Robber?
Crime Type: Robbery
Date: 8-April-2011
Time: 9:35
Number of people involved: 2
Police Force: Cambridgeshire
Appeal summary
Cambridgeshire Constabulary would like to identify this man who, along with an accomplice, robbed an elderly member of the public at a cash point at Sainbury’s in Huntingdon. The victim was roughly barged out of the way and a sum of money taken from his account.
Suspect description
Sex: Male
Age Range: 20 - 25
Height: Unknown
Build: Medium
Ethnic Appearance: White European
Additional Info: Possibly of Polish origin
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Calf stabbed through the eye - reward offered
Calf stabbed through the eye - reward offered
The charity Crimestoppers is appealing for information about those responsible for killing a calf in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire, on Tuesday 24 May.
The three-day-old calf, a Limousin cross-breed shorthorn, had been stabbed through the eye with a screwdriver. The calf was dead when discovered by farmer Basil King's son in a field in Bromholme Lane, Brampton.
Mr King, of Rector Farm, Godmanchester, has offered a reward of up to £2000 through Crimestoppers for information leading the arrest and conviction on the person/s responsible for the attack.
A "brutal killing"
Ann Scott, Regional Manager for Crimestoppers in the East of England, said: "England is a nation of animal lovers. I'm sure many people are as outraged as I am about the brutal killing of this young animal.
"We are appealing for anyone with information about this crime to come forward. Those who don't feel comfortable speaking with the police can contact Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111. Crimestoppers is a charity and those that contact us will not have to give a statement or appear in court."
No fingerprints available
Mr King said: "It is absolutely horrific. My son went out to check the cattle and found the three-day-old calf with a screwdriver sticking out of its eye. It had been driven right into the brain.
"He got there about 10pm and the body was still warm, so it probably happened about an hour earlier."
No fingerprints could be found on the screwdriver as the calf's mother had been licking it in an effort to help the injured animal.
Mr King has had three calves stolen from his land over the past year.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
The charity Crimestoppers is appealing for information about those responsible for killing a calf in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire, on Tuesday 24 May.
The three-day-old calf, a Limousin cross-breed shorthorn, had been stabbed through the eye with a screwdriver. The calf was dead when discovered by farmer Basil King's son in a field in Bromholme Lane, Brampton.
Mr King, of Rector Farm, Godmanchester, has offered a reward of up to £2000 through Crimestoppers for information leading the arrest and conviction on the person/s responsible for the attack.
A "brutal killing"
Ann Scott, Regional Manager for Crimestoppers in the East of England, said: "England is a nation of animal lovers. I'm sure many people are as outraged as I am about the brutal killing of this young animal.
"We are appealing for anyone with information about this crime to come forward. Those who don't feel comfortable speaking with the police can contact Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111. Crimestoppers is a charity and those that contact us will not have to give a statement or appear in court."
No fingerprints available
Mr King said: "It is absolutely horrific. My son went out to check the cattle and found the three-day-old calf with a screwdriver sticking out of its eye. It had been driven right into the brain.
"He got there about 10pm and the body was still warm, so it probably happened about an hour earlier."
No fingerprints could be found on the screwdriver as the calf's mother had been licking it in an effort to help the injured animal.
Mr King has had three calves stolen from his land over the past year.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Stanground Youth Project Needs You!
SYPG Needs You! Writes Chris York:-
Stanground Youth Project (which I am also chair) is looking for volunteers for youth projects, one of our recent achievements was the new skate park last year, I am looking to open another Youth Booth to run alongside the one in Park Farm that I setup last year, this is at full capacity and is an ideal template for others. Anti-Social behaviour has reduced by around 70% in Stanground by providing facilities for young people and working with them.
You can contact Chris on 01733 558474 or email info@chrisyork.co.uk.
Neighbourhood Committee Meeting 28th June - Stanground College
Contributed by Chris York
Neighbourhood Committee Meeting (previously known as Neighbourhood Councils) 28th June Stanground College 7pm, Agenda items include:
1: Stanground College – proposed academy status / new build
2: Neighbourhood committees – the way forward
These meetings are held 4 times a year and are your opportunity to have your say on council proposals and meet with councillors and agency reps face to face.
Chris York welcomes any views or comments that you may wish to raise if you are unable to attend. If you would like to be kept informed or would like a lift please let Chris know.
We are clearly indebted to Cllr Rush, an avid follower of this blog who pointed out the obvious error - The new Chair is now Cllr Sue Allen and not Chris York as suggested above, many apologies. Please note we have a comments box (click on the pencil symbol below) to all posts & everyone is welcome to use it. Failing that a quick 'phone call will also suffice.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Neighbourhood Committee Meeting (previously known as Neighbourhood Councils) 28th June Stanground College 7pm, Agenda items include:
1: Stanground College – proposed academy status / new build
2: Neighbourhood committees – the way forward
These meetings are held 4 times a year and are your opportunity to have your say on council proposals and meet with councillors and agency reps face to face.
Chris York welcomes any views or comments that you may wish to raise if you are unable to attend. If you would like to be kept informed or would like a lift please let Chris know.
We are clearly indebted to Cllr Rush, an avid follower of this blog who pointed out the obvious error - The new Chair is now Cllr Sue Allen and not Chris York as suggested above, many apologies. Please note we have a comments box (click on the pencil symbol below) to all posts & everyone is welcome to use it. Failing that a quick 'phone call will also suffice.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Blue Badge Fraud
I wish our new councillor Chris Harper well in his career, and I hope he will be a positive influence for our area in council.
Reading the ET today (Monday June 20th) I was very sorry to read Chris’s first ‘campaign’ as a member of a sub group. As the newest member Chris appears to be handed the poison chalice. The article is about Blue Badge Fraud, which no doubt exists. The council have amended their own systems as they are the issuers of badges in Peterborough, and that is good to hear.
As the council seeks to save money we will all have our thoughts on how this can be achieved and see areas where in our opinion money is being ‘wasted’. Don’t start me on the cuts to library hours!
Everyone who has a blue badge will tell you they are extremely grateful for it, and happy to see abusers duly punished, freeing up more valuable spaces for those who need them. However everyone who has a badge can also tell you it is no easy thing to get one; it is (as it should be, a rigorous system). I also read and hear numerous stories of people who ‘appear’ to be fit and well when using a blue badge. They are issued for a number of conditions including terminal illnesses, you really can’t judge by appearance’s alone. If you seriously suspect fraud report it to the authorities.
All of this has led to a higher number of attacks on disabled people in the last year. What sort of a society are we part of when this happens?
Disability Hate Crimes: Mark Sherry
Scapegoat, why we are failing disabled people: Katherine Quarnby
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
136 New Homes in Stanground.
You may have read this article in today's ET:
'Persimmon Homes has been forced to abandon its original plan for the site' Something we here at Park Farm have already experienced. Who else was promised a shop/Community centre/pub etc ?
The new homes will mean an increasing drain on our services and roads, I hope this will be factored in.
Another development of housing, on an area designated for employment. We are awash with shopping centres, warehouses and yet we still have the shadow of Magna Park hanging over us. You do have to wonder just how hard the employment area was marketed.
. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Sad to report that domestic violence is on the increase in our region, it seems in many cases to start as a simple disagreement over household bills, and many peple are living their lives in daily fear of being beaten up by their partners (both male and female).
But what can be done?
These days police (especially our local neighbourhood teams) are specially trained to sympathically intervene in domestic incidents and give advice, but in some communities particularly the Asian Community this can be seen as a sign of losing face and bringing shame on the family, so the abuse carries on and the the attacks increase in intensity.
There has to be a way to stop this spiral of violence, and there is. If you suspect a neighbour or friend is a victim, discreetly pass them the two telephone numbers given below, urge them to call the local police team (based at Hampton Police Station near TESCO) on 0845 456 4564. Or alternatively in TOTAL confidence the Crimestoppers Freephone on 0800 555 111, will take your call and pass on information on crime without asking for your name or tracing your call.
PFNW on 01733 345581 will also take your information in confidence and pass it on.
Domestic Violence is highly damaging not only to the persons directly involved but also to any children of the family who in turn reason that violence is a normal part of family life and so it carried on into subsequent generations. It can also be experienced by the wider family network, and many senior citizens suffer this in slience when there really is no need to. Help and assistance is available and there is no shame in reporting it.
Please make a special effort to see if any of your friends are suffering in this way. Help is at hand but in many cases the victims or their close friends and/or care workers have to make the first move.
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999 alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Friday, 17 June 2011
![]() |
VOSA to refer Stanground Community Centre to its' Investigation Branch |
The unincorporated registered charity Stanground Community Centre is to have its 17 seater Buses, alleged to be operated as 'hire and reward', referred to the VOSA investigation branch. The government agency confirmed tonight [Friday June 17th 2011].
VOSA tonight (Friday 17th June 2011) confirmed the unincorporated loss-making charity has been referred to the VOSA Investigation Branch. VOSA has been presented with evidence that the buses driven by Charity Trustee Alan Brian Coulson and parked at the Southfields Junior School, are allegedly operating for 'hire and reward' and the buses are being offered by a charity trustee to other organisations wholly unconnected with the Community Centre in return for 'cash or other payment in kind' (see below).
If the VOSA investigation rules the buses have been operating illegally, then clearly any current insurance cover is retrospectively invalid and the buses (charity property) are liable for seizure and crushing.
It also means that any passengers including Stanground and Park Farm residents carried are not covered by insurance in the event of a road traffic accident and that the taxation class for a road tax licence is also invalid. VOSA suggested in a conversation with PFNW the charity needs to hold a full Operators Licence and that drivers are required to hold a full PCV licence, so the matter is now being referred for further investigation.
The following is taken from the VOSA website:
Operator's licences for public service vehicles: the basics
Do you need a public service vehicle operator's licence?
You will need a public service vehicle (PSV) operator's licence if you can answer yes to both of these questions:
Does your vehicle carry passengers by road in return for any kind of direct or indirect payment?
Is your vehicle classed as a PSV?
What counts as payment?
Any sort of payment which gives a person a right to be carried in a vehicle counts, whether or not a profit is made. This is known as 'hire or reward'. It could be money paid by the passenger, or on their behalf, directly or indirectly. Examples of indirect payments include:
- a club membership subscription
- paying for a bed in a hotel
- school fees
- buying a concert ticket with travel included
AND any other situation where someone who had not paid for a particular service would therefore not have a right to be carried
What is a PSV?
To be classed as a PSV, your vehicle must be either:
a vehicle suitable for carrying nine or more passengers - plus the driver - and doing so for hire or reward
a smaller vehicle carrying passengers and charging them 'separate fares'
Separate fares are when passengers pay individually rather than collectively. This payment can be direct or indirect. It also makes no difference if the payment is made to a driver or in advance, eg via an agent.
Is a vehicle still a bus even when it is not carrying passengers?
If your vehicle is parked in a depot or garage, is being driven between two depots, or is temporarily laid up, you will still need an operator's licence. It only stops being a bus when you permanently cease using it as one - for example, if you take it out of service altogether and adapt it for some other use, such as driver training.
If a vehicle is sometimes used as a taxi and sometimes as a bus under a special PSV operator's licence, it is only treated as a bus when used on local services. Otherwise it is classed as a taxi and subject to taxi rules.
Special exceptions for school buses and permits for voluntary community transport
School buses operated by local education authorities are exempt from operator licensing. Some voluntary operators of minibuses, and in a few cases larger buses, are free from operator licensing if they have one of the following special permits:
minibus permits for vehicles that can carry between nine and 16 passengers
community bus permits for groups who want to run a local bus service on a voluntary, non-profit basis using unpaid volunteer drivers
large bus permits for vehicles with more than 16 passenger seats, to be used by voluntary groups for education, religion, social welfare or other community activities.
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Tesco launches cheapest school uniform at £3.60 !!!!
Always on the lookout for value for money in these cash strapped times, and our good friends at http://www.walletpop.co.uk/ have come up with this amazing deal for parents and kids alike, better get along tonight ... before Barry Fry buys up the whole stock and has them on sale in the Posh shop well marked up to pay for a few new players ( Just kiddin' Barry - Honest !)
Tesco launches cheapest school uniform at £3.60
Courtesy Hannah Ricci of http://www.walletpop.co.uk/
Jun 17th 2011 at 7:00AM
If finances are tight and the prospect of kitting out the kids in a new school uniform is a bigger burden this year, nip to Tesco this month where parents can get their hands on a full set for just £3.60.
The supermarket giant launched its new 'value' range yesterday, making it the cheapest school uniform on the high street.
The uniform set of a polo shirt, sweatshirt and skirt or trousers comes in sizes for ages three to 16. It will normally be priced at £4.50, but there is an extra 20% off the collection running throughout June and is available in store and on-line.
Sainsbury's is the closest rival with sets starting at £6 while Asda's range from £8 and Marks & Spencer from £11.
Lowest price
Jan Marchant, Tesco clothing buying director said: "Parents like different price options for Back to School and our Value range offers them a fantastic quality product.
"We are pleased to offer our customers a whole school uniform at the lowest possible price, and certainly the most competitive price on the high street."
The move could help boost profits for the supermarket giant which recently missed first quarter sales forecasts.
Compromise on quality?
While the range is undoubtedly a great option for cash-strapped parents, you can't but question the quality of such low price clothing.
Will it last the term or start looking like rags after a couple of washes, need replacing and cancelling out any savings you make? It could be one of those cost-per-wear decisions, but at £3.60 you can't really lose out by giving it a go.
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581
Tesco launches cheapest school uniform at £3.60
Courtesy Hannah Ricci of http://www.walletpop.co.uk/
Jun 17th 2011 at 7:00AM
If finances are tight and the prospect of kitting out the kids in a new school uniform is a bigger burden this year, nip to Tesco this month where parents can get their hands on a full set for just £3.60.
The supermarket giant launched its new 'value' range yesterday, making it the cheapest school uniform on the high street.
The uniform set of a polo shirt, sweatshirt and skirt or trousers comes in sizes for ages three to 16. It will normally be priced at £4.50, but there is an extra 20% off the collection running throughout June and is available in store and on-line.
Sainsbury's is the closest rival with sets starting at £6 while Asda's range from £8 and Marks & Spencer from £11.
Lowest price
Jan Marchant, Tesco clothing buying director said: "Parents like different price options for Back to School and our Value range offers them a fantastic quality product.
"We are pleased to offer our customers a whole school uniform at the lowest possible price, and certainly the most competitive price on the high street."
The move could help boost profits for the supermarket giant which recently missed first quarter sales forecasts.
Compromise on quality?
While the range is undoubtedly a great option for cash-strapped parents, you can't but question the quality of such low price clothing.
Will it last the term or start looking like rags after a couple of washes, need replacing and cancelling out any savings you make? It could be one of those cost-per-wear decisions, but at £3.60 you can't really lose out by giving it a go.
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581
Stanground Community Centre Meeting Friday 17th June Cancelled
Urgent Notice
The Stanground Community Centre
(Unincorporated Registered Charity 271705)
called by Alan Brian Coulson
Friday 17th June 2011
has been cancelled.
Please do not turn up!
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
The Stanground Community Centre
(Unincorporated Registered Charity 271705)
called by Alan Brian Coulson
Friday 17th June 2011
has been cancelled.
Please do not turn up!
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Most Wanted - Samuel Jackson
Wanted - Samuel Jackson
Crime Type: Violence
Crime Location: National
Date: Jan-2011
Name: Samuel Jackson
CS reference: CS1106-6284
Appeal summary
Samuel Jackson is wanted by Thames Valley Police. It is believed he has links to the Liverpool and Brixton area.
He is in his early 30's, 6ft 4in tall and a slim build. He has very long Rasta black hair an was last photographed with a moustache and beard. He has a gold front tooth and BBL tattooed on his upper arm.
He uses a variety of aliases including Dwight Jones, Samiel Jacob Jackson, Dwight Samiels. His nicknames are Sam, Long, Jed, Dred and D.
Do you know where he can be found? Have you any information that may lead to his arrest.
Oxford, Brixton or Liverpool areas
... (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Stanground Women's Institute
Stanground Women’s Institute
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Now I have your attention... |
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Your City - Your Council
Peterborough City Council Cabinet Meeting Monday 13th June 201, Bourges/Vierson Room Town Hall
This meeting dealt with the new Local Authority Mortgage Scheme and the use of Consultants. Both of these have been covered by local press.
The item of interest to Park Farm and Stanground residents is the ‘Village Design Supplementary Planning Document’. This is part of a handing down of power to communities. In rural areas the control would pass to Parish Councils (i.e. Hampton).
The impact of new developments such as Gt.Haddon on Yaxley was briefly discussed, obviously this will also water down to us.
The document states little interest has been shown by ‘city’ residents – obviously someone hasn’t been to Stanground!
Although the document appears to have been directed at rural communities there is no reason why we can’t form our own ‘village’ community.
In our case we need to form a ‘core’ of 21 committee members. The Council is duty bound to assist with this, the committee will need to have some officials attached.
Now the interesting part, what does it cover? Well, it’s an opportunity to have a say in the future of our area.
My thanks to everyone at the Town Hall who helped with our visit.
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
This meeting dealt with the new Local Authority Mortgage Scheme and the use of Consultants. Both of these have been covered by local press.
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Cardea, have your say on new developments! |
The impact of new developments such as Gt.Haddon on Yaxley was briefly discussed, obviously this will also water down to us.
The document states little interest has been shown by ‘city’ residents – obviously someone hasn’t been to Stanground!
Protect our area |
In our case we need to form a ‘core’ of 21 committee members. The Council is duty bound to assist with this, the committee will need to have some officials attached.
Now the interesting part, what does it cover? Well, it’s an opportunity to have a say in the future of our area.
My thanks to everyone at the Town Hall who helped with our visit.
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR Dial 999alternatively CRIMESTOPPERS on FREEPHONE 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Monday, 13 June 2011
Police Update 24/5 - 7/6/11 from PS Simon Goldsmith
During the period of 24/05/11 – 07/06/2011, for our area, 91 incidents were called into The Police Service Centre and were serviced by officers from both Reactive and NPT. Please note that this represents a two week period rather than one week.
These calls for service are represented as follows:
Fraud 3
Messages 6
Road Related 17
Rowdy Nuisance 12
Suspicious Circumstances 9
Concern for Person 4
Domestic 10
Misuse 999 1
Burglary 2
Violence 4
Criminal Damage 2
Theft 1
Missing from Home 1
Animals 3
Police General 1
Fire 2
Civil Dispute 1
Stolen Motor Vehicle 1
Malicious Nuisance 4
Insecure Premises 1
Burglary 1
Neighbour Dispute 1
Bilking 2
Other Force 1
Abandoned Call 1
It can be seen that the top four calls are incidents for Road Related, Rowdy Nuisance, Domestic and Suspicious Circumstances.
Of the 91 incidents reported 31 crimes were raised which are made up as follows:
Common Assault and Battery 2
Burglary 3
Arson 1
Theft of motor Vehicle 2
Harassment 1
Theft 1
Making off without payment 2
Criminal Damage 1
2 Warrants have been executed in the areas of Stanground/Park Farm, Woodston, Fletton and Hampton
For the same areas 2 arrests have been achieved. (These figures represent the period 01/06 – 07/06)
Reassurance visits/telephone calls by Shirley and Tania your local PCSOs continue to be carried out along with their high visible patrols both on foot and in a vehicle.
The main concerns for our area are the
a. use of off road and mini motors
b. youths attending Saxon Court
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Mini motor bites the dust |
They are difficult to catch as they know all the places to hide when they see officers approaching and information of the final locations of the bikes would be great. The difficulty is proving that they were on the bike at the time. We do understand residents concerns and will continue to vigorously police this matter.
Youths attending Saxon Court is a problem we are attempting to address with the co-operation of Cross Keys Homes who property it is. We are also working with Thistle Drive Play Centre and Stanground College, visits to other schools is also planned in order to get the message across that their attendance is unacceptable. Following discussions with Cross Keys we now have a demolition time frame and work should commence on the 24th June and be finished by the end of July. If you wish to discuss any issues relating to the problem please contact Cross Keys Homes, to report any incidents continue to ring the police. We are also happy to meet with any resident who wishes to speak to us on this subject or any other in relation to their community.
Again, it is pleasing to report that Stanground and Park Farm has not been the target of crime for this period but do remind people to close windows, lock doors and ensure you do not leave valuables on display in unattended vehicles. Don’t make it easy for them.
Your next Street Surgery has been arranged for Friday 8th July, outside Thistle Drive Play Centre, 1200 - 1300 hours, please take this opportunity to meet your local PCSO's.
The next Panel Meeting is on Tuesday 5th July 2011, in Hampton College, commencing at 7.00pm. Again this is your chance to air your concerns and set the Panel Priorities for the next 3 months.
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime, knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Electricity, Gas and now Water door to door scams ....
Door to Door Scams targeting older people.
A few new door to door scams have been unearthed and news is they are operating in the Stanground and Park Farm Neighbourhoods of Peterborough These ones are quite convincing as the door step caller complete with clipboard and impressive looking identification badge say they are conducting a survey and will immediately ask for the name of your gas / electricity supplier.
Without notice your gas/ electric supply could well be switched to a new supplier and you may still have a termination bill from the old supplier to pay, if you are on a fixed price deal you may well be charged an additional exit fee to get out of the existing contract. Our advice is keep the door on a door chain and if you like the sound of what the doorstep sales man/woman is saying ask their firm to write to you, If they ask for you name, just tell them to address it to 'The Occupier.'
We also hear that as our neighbourhood has been declared a drought area, some bad lads and lasses are claiming to be able to reduce your water bill and need to do a simple pressure test on your water supply in your house. This is a variation on what police call a distraction burglary. Whilst you are in the kitchen turning taps on and off (as part of the test) they are in your bathroom doing a water pressure test?
Well not exactly, the bathwater may be running the noise covering up the fact that in a matter of minutes, they have probably been through your bedroom, turned out drawers, opened cupboards, taken money, jewellery and anything else they can easily sell. Simply the advice is don't let anyone selling door to door into your home. EVER!
We have also experienced a rise in the number of Kleeneze Agents in the area. They sell through part time agents by catalogue. They ask for the return of the catalogue, by leaving it outside your house. If the catalogue is posted through your letter box without it being requested, it is junk mail, and there is no legal obligation for you to return it.
Leaving the return package outside may suggest your house is empty.
Simply leave it in your green bin and if you like (no obligation) telephone the agent and tell hem where it is. The smart ones will collect it that day and not bother you again, the not so smart will not return and the package will be recycled anyway!
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime,knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
A few new door to door scams have been unearthed and news is they are operating in the Stanground and Park Farm Neighbourhoods of Peterborough These ones are quite convincing as the door step caller complete with clipboard and impressive looking identification badge say they are conducting a survey and will immediately ask for the name of your gas / electricity supplier.
Without notice your gas/ electric supply could well be switched to a new supplier and you may still have a termination bill from the old supplier to pay, if you are on a fixed price deal you may well be charged an additional exit fee to get out of the existing contract. Our advice is keep the door on a door chain and if you like the sound of what the doorstep sales man/woman is saying ask their firm to write to you, If they ask for you name, just tell them to address it to 'The Occupier.'
We also hear that as our neighbourhood has been declared a drought area, some bad lads and lasses are claiming to be able to reduce your water bill and need to do a simple pressure test on your water supply in your house. This is a variation on what police call a distraction burglary. Whilst you are in the kitchen turning taps on and off (as part of the test) they are in your bathroom doing a water pressure test?
Well not exactly, the bathwater may be running the noise covering up the fact that in a matter of minutes, they have probably been through your bedroom, turned out drawers, opened cupboards, taken money, jewellery and anything else they can easily sell. Simply the advice is don't let anyone selling door to door into your home. EVER!
We have also experienced a rise in the number of Kleeneze Agents in the area. They sell through part time agents by catalogue. They ask for the return of the catalogue, by leaving it outside your house. If the catalogue is posted through your letter box without it being requested, it is junk mail, and there is no legal obligation for you to return it.
Leaving the return package outside may suggest your house is empty.
Simply leave it in your green bin and if you like (no obligation) telephone the agent and tell hem where it is. The smart ones will collect it that day and not bother you again, the not so smart will not return and the package will be recycled anyway!
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0845 4564564 OR CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 **** Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 an independent of police charity, will take and pass on confidential information on crime,knife crime and domestic violence. They will never ask for your name or trace your call and you won't have to attend Court **** >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
Saturday, 11 June 2011
As we all head off for summer holidays please read this message from Phil McCann (Madeleine's uncle). Thanks
As you are aware my niece, Madeleine, is still missing and I am asking everyone I know to send this as a chain letter i.e. you send it to everyone you know and ask them to do the same, as the story is only being covered in Britain, Eire and Portugal. We don't believe that she is in Portugal anymore and need to get her picture and the story across Europe as quickly as possible. Suggestions are welcome
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL POLICE: 0845 4564564 >> Broadcast ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
As you are aware my niece, Madeleine, is still missing and I am asking everyone I know to send this as a chain letter i.e. you send it to everyone you know and ask them to do the same, as the story is only being covered in Britain, Eire and Portugal. We don't believe that she is in Portugal anymore and need to get her picture and the story across Europe as quickly as possible. Suggestions are welcome
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(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL POLICE: 0845 4564564 >> Broadcast ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
New Law from June 20th
New Law from June 20th
A new law (The Continuous Insurance Enforcement Law, since you ask) comes in on June 20th. It means you can no longer ‘store’ uninsured vehicles on your driveway or garage unless you have completed a Statutory off Road Notification (SORN).
The law covers cars, motorbikes and motor homes. Fines start at £100.
Further details are available at www.direct.gov.uk
.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL POLICE: 0845 4564564 >> Broadcast ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722&ATX >> Media Enquiries: 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK http://tinyurl.com/STANGROUNDPFNW
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