NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING TEAM NP Sergeant: SIMON GOLDSMITH Tel: NEW NON EMERGENCY NUMBER 101 NP Constables: Rob Giffen, Neil Fraser & Matt Marchbank PSCOs': Shirley Beswick, Stuart Craig, Tina Griffin, Mohammed Haleem, Tania Weston, David Holland & Lloyd Ledgister.

POLICE Neighbourhood Panel Meeting [Chair Chris York]: Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th January 2012 at Mace Road Church Hall, Stanground 7pm to 9pm. All residents WELCOME!

NEW NON EMERGENCY POLICE NUMBER 101 or call CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 PFNN EDITED BY JULIAN BRAY (NEWSDESK 01733 345581). We welcome your comments. We serve Stanground, Park Farm, Fletton, Cardea and Woodston neighbourhoods.

Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Association is registered with Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network (England & Wales) Registered Charity No: 1133637 and Company No: 7592594

Monday, 31 October 2011

Elected Police & Crime Commissioners - One year to go....

Police and Crime Commissioners - local elections set for November 2012

New legislation has been passed which will radically shift the decision-making on policing away from government to communities by giving local communities the power to elect police and crime commissioners.

The role

For the first time, elected police and crime commissioners (PCCs) will give the public a direct say in policing in their area. The PCC will hold police forces and chief constables to account. This is a challenging but pivotal opportunity to serve the public. PCCs will set local policing priorities and decide how your council tax is spent on crime and policing issues. As well as planning policing budgets they will also:
  • drive community safety and overall security in the area
  • work with local partnerships and national and regional criminal justice agencies and services
  • build and foster relationships with the chief constable and community groups to achieve common goals
  • contribute to national policing capabilities


PCCs will be elected for four years and will be required to publish a police and crime plan. This will set out the police and crime objectives of the force area. Chief constables will remain responsible for operational matters, however PPCs will have the authority to hire and, if necessary, dismiss the chief constable.


PCCs will be scrutinised by police and crime panels, which will be formed of a minimum of 10 representatives from the local authorities in the force area. The duties of the panel include:
  • requiring the PCC to respond to any concerns they have
  • making recommendations on the crime plan and annual reports
  • confirming or vetoing the PCC's appointment of chief constable and the level of local tax (the precept level)

Who can stand for election?

Candidates must:
  • be a British, Commonwealth or EU citizen
  • be 18 years of age or over
  • be resident in the police force area
Restrictions on candidacy include a conviction for an imprisonable offence, and being a serving civil servant, judge, police officer, member of police staff or member of a police authority or member of the regular armed forces.

How to stand for election?

The first election is scheduled for November 2012. Further details about the election process and how to stand will be posted early in the New Year.

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have information about crime contact independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Sunday, 30 October 2011


01733 569413   WWW.PRUFC.COM

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have information about crime contact independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Friday, 28 October 2011

On the Road to Nowhere....

We have had a few telephone calls on this, so this is how £900 of public money earmarked to put in a so called 'pathway' from your Stanground East Community Leaders Fund (CLF) held by our Councillor on your behalf is being used. The incomplete works on Park Farm Way have been ongoing for over a week and the barriers now scattered all over the place, present a real safety hazard, especially as the clocks go back one hour this weekend! We've taken a few pictures so this is the position as of the afternoon of Friday 28th October 2011.

The 'pathway,' little more than a rectangle over the grass verge, is located directly in front of a road ramp or incline for the traffic calming table, thereby creating a pedestrian major trip hazard. Simply it is difficult to negotiate both an incline as well as a raised kerb at the same time. For disabled people it would be an impossibility.

The concrete plate to the left is an existing inspection cover. Notice how one of the red barriers has been moved and dumped on the pavement to the left of the pillar box creating yet another trip hazard. It also marks the start of another pet project for our local councillor, the blanket 20 mph speed limit for Park Farm Way.

The  view below shows how close to the T junction the 'pathway' is, so if you park your car (to post a letter) adjacent to the 'pathway' it is already way too close to the T junction and the driver would in our view not only commit a traffic offence but also create another hazard, a possible blind spot for any turning traffic and a danger for pedestrians such as children and parents from the nearby school.

For £900 we were also promised bollards .... one is in evidence and apart from being a target for a giant hoopla (it's on the right hand side of the picture below) seems totally pointless. For good measure, it also leans.... don't they use spirit levels anymore?

This view shows that the top coating is missing (be it paving slabs or tarmac), meanwhile looking towards Heritage Park School, a close up of the gravel/ sand bedding.  The position of the blue car is roughly as near the T junction, one can legally park. We'll keep a clock on the overall time this is taking to complete, it's a week so far ....  STOP PRESS Sunday: The barriers have now been uprighted and formed in a circle, a bit like a wagon train!

We have already suggested (but it fell on deaf ears) that it would be far safer and more cost efficient to simply move the existing pillar box (sited at a time before the Heritage Park development was completed) a short distance to the start of Park Farm Crescent on the same side of Park Farm Way, no 'footpath' or bollards would be required.

Meanwhile further up the road, we see what we surmise to be the start of the Community Leaders Fund  (circa £2,000)  for the provision of 'raised vegetable beds' at Heritage Park School. No we are not making this up.... 

This video positions the whole 'footpath' area and shows its proximity to the T junction.


.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: Quickdial: 101 ( 0345 4564564 ) OR Dial 999. If you have information about crime contact independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

FoI Number Crunching, Park Farm October, writes Morag Irving....

FoI Number Crunching, Park Farm October, writes Morag Irving

Organic Able & Cole  veggies delivered to your door from £10...........

Cost of Vegetable Patch at Paston Farm.  Total CLF donation:  £500

Cost of 'Raised' Vegetable beds at Heritage Park School. Total CLF donation:  £1,887.90 

 ### Figures Obtained from  Freedom of Information Request PCC FOI-11-0640, available to view on  PCC website or through myself.

  (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have information about crime contact independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Cllr Harper repeat absence from Audit Committee, sends apologies..

Missing? No Action...
Sad to report that our local Stanground East PCC councillor again absented himself from one of the most important committee meetings, that of the PCC Audit Committee on Monday 26th September, 2011 and sent apologies.  This is not the first time Cllr. Harper has failed to attend the Audit Committee meetings ( his full attendance / non-attendance record can be found on the PCC website ).

In addition, our local elected representative has, in the six months since his election, yet to rise to his feet or say anything at all, at the various council meetings we have attended on your behalf. There have been many issues and motions which directly impact on this neighbourhood we have reported on here.

Clearly Stanground East (like all neighbourhoods)  is under threat from devolved central government budget cuts, and deserves to be fully and forcefully represented. Making repeated apologies (for whatever reason) coupled with a poor attendance record does not meet this remit.

We invite Cllr Harper to explain his continuing poor attendance record and also ask when he is to make his maiden speech in full council? Other Stanground councillors manage to post a near 100% attendance record so why should the elected representative for Stanground East be any different?

Meeting Attendance
Councillor Diane Lamb         Chairman                       Apologies

Councillor June Stokes        Vice Chairman               In attendance

Councillor Chris Harper        Committee Member      Apologies

Councillor Mrs Pam Kreling Committee Member      In attendance

Councillor Stephen Lane      Committee Member       In attendance

Councillor Stephen Goldspink Committee Member    In attendance

Councillor Pat Nash MBE      Committee Member    In attendance

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE:  Dial 101  or   0345 4564564. In any emergency Dial 999.

If you have information about crime contact independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Spring Forward, Fall Back

Spring forward, fall back yes its that time again.

The clocks go back one hour at 2am on Sunday 30th October 2011, and the prospect of shorter daylight hours and long winter nights can make people worry more about crime and personal safety. As we move into winter months many people will be returning home from work, school, shopping etc to find homes in darkness and may feel more vulnerable in the dark, especially those that live alone.

Installing good lighting is an excellent way to deter a would-be thief, particularly by fitting exterior lights with dawn-to-dusk sensors. These are light sensitive and switch on automatically when it gets dark and off again when it gets light. Using low wattage bulbs means these are both a low cost and effective security measure and offers a reassuring welcome when you return home

Using timer switches inside the property. These can be linked to lighting or even a radio giving the impression that someone is at home

Closing your blinds or curtains at night. This prevents people from looking into your home and seeing what possession you have that could be worth returning for later – note: if your children are home first from school encourage them to close curtains and blinds first!!

Keeping windows and doors secure, even if you are at home. Majority of burglaries committed because someone has left window or door open.

Locking side gates. Potential burglars are less likely to try and break in from the front where they can be seen

Fitting an alarm – around 75% of burglaries on homes fitted with alarms are unsuccessful

Not leaving spare keys hidden outside for children – a burglar will always look for these first!

Marking your valuables – expensive electrical equipment can be marked with your post code and house number – garden and shed equipment can be marked with spare can of paint or even nail varnish!

Not leaving car keys near the front door or anywhere easy to find.

Ensuring all gates, external doors (including cars) are locked and secure in the evening.

Please report anything suspicious in the area to the police by phoning 101 or 0345 456 4564 or 999 if you believe there is a real threat to life or property.

(C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have information about crime contact independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Happy Dwali

(C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Don't let your Halloween become truly terrifying says Cambridgeshire Fire & Rescue

Don't let your Halloween become truly terrifying

Andy Tucker, Risk Manager for Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service, said: "Firefighters want residents living in Cambridgeshire to have fun this Halloween, but they also want people to be aware of the dangers of using candles and to be vigilant when using them."

Halloween is a great chance for children and adults alike to let their hair down and celebrate. However, it also has its dangers.

Candles and homemade Jack-O-Lanterns made from hollowed pumpkins with candles inside can add to the celebrations, but can also be dangerous. If the candle tips over, or something brushes past, it could set light costumes, curtains or even hair and start a serious fire.

A good alternative to candles are electronic tea-lights which you can buy from garden centres. These have a small battery fitted instead of a flame. These can be fitted inside a Jack-O-Lantern or placed on a table and are just as effective at creating an atmosphere, but much safer than a candle.

Andy Tucker, Risk Manager for Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service, said: "Firefighters want residents living in Cambridgeshire to have fun this Halloween, but they also want people to be aware of the dangers of using candles and to be vigilant when using them."

How to use candles safely

•Never leave candles unattended or go to sleep while they are lit

•Leave plenty of space above and around the candle and its holder

•Place candles in a draught-free area away from curtains, furniture and other flammable surfaces

•Always use a proper candle-holder and fit the candle in firmly

•Make sure it is put on a surface that is flat and stable - this is particularly important when using a candle inside a Jack-O-Lantern

•Always use a heat-resistant surface to place the candle holder on - eg a ceramic plate, especially for night-light candles

•Never place candles directly on televisions or other polished surfaces

•Keep candles out of reach of children and pets

•Never attempt to move a candle once it is lit

•Always use a candle-snuffer, or an upturned metal spoon to extinguish the candle and allow cooling before moving it

•A good alternative to candles are electronic tea-lights which you can buy from garden centres. These have a small battery fitted instead of a flame. They are just as effective at creating an atmosphere, but much safer than a candle.

Choosing the right candle for your Jack-O-Lantern

•Oil-burning, liquid candles last longer, but these do not extinguish themselves, so it is crucial that these are not left unattended

•Votive candles placed in clear, heat-proof holders are safer and also have a longer life span than traditional candles, with white candles giving off the most light

•There are safer alternatives to candles, such as glo-sticks or battery operated tea lights.

If you do nothing else to protect your home and your family, ensure you fit a smoke alarm that has the kite mark and conforms to British Standard 5446 (Part 1). Test the smoke alarm at least once a week by pressing the test button and know the life span of your battery - mark your calendar as a reminder to replace it.

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581


Just the ticket! Charity soap box race contender entered by Solent Police
but the new ANPR smart car for Peterbough
isn't much larger and already producing results... 

During the last few days Police and agencies have mounted Operation Rogue Trader 2011 - here is a summary of  actions undertaken across Peterborough:

In relation to Peterborough, police had two crews patrolling with Council officers from Peterborough Trading Standards, they focussed on gathering intelligence on persons, vehicles and addresses suspected of being involved in 'rogue trader' style offences.

A great deal of useful intelligence has been gathered which is being developed to support further activity and to enable arrests over the coming weeks. The patrols encountered three particular traders of interest.

They also gathered evidence to support an ongoing Trading Standards rogue trading prosecution which is due in court next month. The crews patrolled in the areas of Stanground, Dogsthorpe, and the Ortons as these are the areas from which Trading Standards have received the most complaints.

They also received positive feedback from genuine businesses who said they embraced the approach by Police and Trading Standards and found it reassuring that police and agencies were seeking to tackle rogue trading as it clearly impacts on their businesses.


The ANPR Intervention Team in Peterborough worked in the morning in Westwood, Ravensthorpe and Longthorpe and in the afternoon in Dogsthorpe.

The team had over a dozen good stop checks resulting in two arrests for persons who were wanted for theft of heating fuel and theft/disqualified driving, one vehicle seized for no insurance whilst these did not relate to rogue trading offences they were picked up as a result of the offenders operating in areas identified as active and whilst stopping rogue trader style vehicles.

They also additionally picked up some good intelligence relating to identified rogue traders and diesel thieves.

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581


Hallowe'en is always a busy night for police as calls reporting anti-social behaviour traditionally increase. Cambs Police are in the process of contacting all victims from last year to reassure that dedicated patrols will be in place at repeat problem areas.

Any incidents of anti social behaviour should be reported to the police - last year on October 31st the force received 144 '999' calls related to rowdy or nuisance behaviour compared to 69 the previous year.

If a household does not want to be involved in the night's events they can download a 'no trick or treat' poster by clicking on the title above for the PDF link.

Please remember that for the vulnerable or older members of the community this can be a frightening and intimidating experience, so follow these simple guidelines to ensure a trouble free evening for all:

* ensure children are accompanied by a responsible adult

* explain how vulnerable people can be frightened by an unexpected group calling at their door on a dark evening

* only knock at houses where you know you will be welcome

* please respect the 'Please no trick or treat' notice where it is displayed

Have a safe evening - thank you

Carol Aston  Crime Reduction Officer Safer Peterborough Team
Cambridgeshire Police
Mobile 07736 342333

...and some spooky thoughts from PFNW, the Poem Halloween by Robert Burns

Halloween   by Robert Burns

Upon that night, when fairies light

On Cassilis Downans dance,

Or owre the lays, in splendid blaze,

On sprightly coursers prance;

Or for Colean the rout is ta'en,

Beneath the moon's pale beams;

There, up the Cove,to stray an' rove,

Amang the rocks and streams

To sport that night;

Amang the bonie winding banks,

Where Doon rins, wimplin, clear;

Where Bruce ance rul'd the martial ranks,

An' shook his Carrick spear;

Some merry, friendly, countra-folks

Together did convene,

To burn their nits, an' pou their stocks,

An' haud their Halloween

Fu' blythe that night.

The lasses feat, an' cleanly neat,

Mair braw than when they're fine;

Their faces blythe, fu' sweetly kythe,

Hearts leal, an' warm, an' kin':

The lads sae trig, wi' wooer-babs

Weel-knotted on their garten;

Some unco blate, an' some wi' gabs

Gar lasses' hearts gang startin

Whiles fast at night.


Then, first an' foremost, thro' the kail,

Their stocks maun a' be sought ance;

They steek their een, and grape an' wale

For muckle anes, an' straught anes.

Poor hav'rel Will fell aff the drift,

An' wandered thro' the bow-kail,

An' pou't for want o' better shift

A runt was like a sow-tail

Sae bow't that night.

Then, straught or crooked, yird or nane,

They roar an' cry a' throu'ther;

The vera wee-things, toddlin, rin,

Wi' stocks out owre their shouther:

An' gif the custock's sweet or sour,

Wi' joctelegs they taste them;

Syne coziely, aboon the door,

Wi' cannie care, they've plac'd them

To lie that night.

The lassies staw frae 'mang them a',

To pou their stalks o' corn;

But Rab slips out, an' jinks about,

Behint the muckle thorn:

He grippit Nelly hard and fast:

Loud skirl'd a' the lasses;

But her tap-pickle maist was lost,

Whan kiutlin in the fause-house

Wi' him that night.

The auld guid-wife's weel-hoordit nits

Are round an' round dividend,

An' mony lads an' lasses' fates

Are there that night decided:

Some kindle couthie side by side,

And burn thegither trimly;

Some start awa wi' saucy pride,

An' jump out owre the chimlie

Fu' high that night.

Jean slips in twa, wi' tentie e'e;

Wha 'twas, she wadna tell;

But this is Jock, an' this is me,

She says in to hersel':

He bleez'd owre her, an' she owre him,

As they wad never mair part:

Till fuff! he started up the lum,

An' Jean had e'en a sair heart

To see't that night.

Poor Willie, wi' his bow-kail runt,

Was brunt wi' primsie Mallie;

An' Mary, nae doubt, took the drunt,

To be compar'd to Willie:

Mall's nit lap out, wi' pridefu' fling,

An' her ain fit, it brunt it;

While Willie lap, and swore by jing,

'Twas just the way he wanted

To be that night.

Nell had the fause-house in her min',

She pits hersel an' Rob in;

In loving bleeze they sweetly join,

Till white in ase they're sobbin:

Nell's heart was dancin at the view;

She whisper'd Rob to leuk for't:

Rob, stownlins, prie'd her bonie mou',

Fu' cozie in the neuk for't,

Unseen that night.

But Merran sat behint their backs,

Her thoughts on Andrew Bell:

She lea'es them gashin at their cracks,

An' slips out-by hersel';

She thro' the yard the nearest taks,

An' for the kiln she goes then,

An' darklins grapit for the bauks,

And in the blue-clue throws then,

Right fear't that night.

An' ay she win't, an' ay she swat

I wat she made nae jaukin;

Till something held within the pat,

Good Lord! but she was quaukin!

But whether 'twas the deil himsel,

Or whether 'twas a bauk-en',

Or whether it was Andrew Bell,

She did na wait on talkin

To spier that night.

Wee Jenny to her graunie says,

"Will ye go wi' me, graunie?

I'll eat the apple at the glass,

I gat frae uncle Johnie:"

She fuff't her pipe wi' sic a lunt,

In wrath she was sae vap'rin,

She notic't na an aizle brunt

Her braw, new, worset apron

Out thro' that night.

"Ye little skelpie-limmer's face!

I daur you try sic sportin,

As seek the foul thief ony place,

For him to spae your fortune:

Nae doubt but ye may get a sight!

Great cause ye hae to fear it;

For mony a ane has gotten a fright,

An' liv'd an' died deleerit,

On sic a night.

"Ae hairst afore the Sherra-moor,

I mind't as weel's yestreen

I was a gilpey then, I'm sure

I was na past fyfteen:

The simmer had been cauld an' wat,

An' stuff was unco green;

An' eye a rantin kirn we gat,

An' just on Halloween

It fell that night.

"Our stibble-rig was Rab M'Graen,

A clever, sturdy fallow;

His sin gat Eppie Sim wi' wean,

That lived in Achmacalla:

He gat hemp-seed, I mind it weel,

An'he made unco light o't;

But mony a day was by himsel',

He was sae sairly frighted

That vera night."

Then up gat fechtin Jamie Fleck,

An' he swoor by his conscience,

That he could saw hemp-seed a peck;

For it was a' but nonsense:

The auld guidman raught down the pock,

An' out a handfu' gied him;

Syne bad him slip frae' mang the folk,

Sometime when nae ane see'd him,

An' try't that night.

He marches thro' amang the stacks,

Tho' he was something sturtin;

The graip he for a harrow taks,

An' haurls at his curpin:

And ev'ry now an' then, he says,

"Hemp-seed I saw thee,

An' her that is to be my lass

Come after me, an' draw thee

As fast this night."

He wistl'd up Lord Lennox' March

To keep his courage cherry;

Altho' his hair began to arch,

He was sae fley'd an' eerie:

Till presently he hears a squeak,

An' then a grane an' gruntle;

He by his shouther gae a keek,

An' tumbled wi' a wintle

Out-owre that night.

He roar'd a horrid murder-shout,

In dreadfu' desperation!

An' young an' auld come rinnin out,

An' hear the sad narration:

He swoor 'twas hilchin Jean M'Craw,

Or crouchie Merran Humphie

Till stop! she trotted thro' them a';

And wha was it but grumphie

Asteer that night!

Meg fain wad to the barn gaen,

To winn three wechts o' naething;

But for to meet the deil her lane,

She pat but little faith in:

She gies the herd a pickle nits,

An' twa red cheekit apples,

To watch, while for the barn she sets,

In hopes to see Tam Kipples

That vera night.

She turns the key wi' cannie thraw,

An'owre the threshold ventures;

But first on Sawnie gies a ca',

Syne baudly in she enters:

A ratton rattl'd up the wa',

An' she cry'd Lord preserve her!

An' ran thro' midden-hole an' a',

An' pray'd wi' zeal and fervour,

Fu' fast that night.

They hoy't out Will, wi' sair advice;

They hecht him some fine braw ane;

It chanc'd the stack he faddom't thrice

Was timmer-propt for thrawin:

He taks a swirlie auld moss-oak

For some black, grousome carlin;

An' loot a winze, an' drew a stroke,

Till skin in blypes cam haurlin

Aff's nieves that night.

A wanton widow Leezie was,

As cantie as a kittlen;

But och! that night, amang the shaws,

She gat a fearfu' settlin!

She thro' the whins, an' by the cairn,

An' owre the hill gaed scrievin;

Whare three lairds' lan's met at a burn,

To dip her left sark-sleeve in,

Was bent that night.

Whiles owre a linn the burnie plays,

As thro' the glen it wimpl't;

Whiles round a rocky scar it strays,

Whiles in a wiel it dimpl't;

Whiles glitter'd to the nightly rays,

Wi' bickerin', dancin' dazzle;

Whiles cookit undeneath the braes,

Below the spreading hazel

Unseen that night.

Amang the brachens, on the brae,

Between her an' the moon,

The deil, or else an outler quey,

Gat up an' ga'e a croon:

Poor Leezie's heart maist lap the hool;

Near lav'rock-height she jumpit,

But mist a fit, an' in the pool

Out-owre the lugs she plumpit,

Wi' a plunge that night.

In order, on the clean hearth-stane,

The luggies three are ranged;

An' ev'ry time great care is ta'en

To see them duly changed:

Auld uncle John, wha wedlock's joys

Sin' Mar's-year did desire,

Because he gat the toom dish thrice,

He heav'd them on the fire

In wrath that night.

Wi' merry sangs, an' friendly cracks,

I wat they did na weary;

And unco tales, an' funnie jokes

Their sports were cheap an' cheery:

Till butter'd sowens, wi' fragrant lunt,

Set a' their gabs a-steerin;

Syne, wi' a social glass o' strunt,

They parted aff careerin

Fu' blythe that night.

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Bridge Street Trees "Not Over yet" say Lib Dems

Local “Bridge Street Trees Campaign” – Not Over Yet! Say local Lib Dems.

Following pressure from local residents and the city’s Liberal Democrats, the City Council has acknowledged that their online survey about the proposed removal of trees in Bridge Street was flawed and have agreed to re-run it.

Almost 200 local people signed the Lib Dem petition, opposing removal of one third of the trees in Bridge Street and Long Causeway.

If you care about the trees and the appearance of our city centre, we really need you now to go to the Council website and cast your vote. You only have about one week in which to do this before the Council bulldozers and chainsaws will move in to chop down the trees!

Cllr Nick Sandford commented:

“It’s been great to see how many people not only signed our petition but took the trouble to leave their comments. The Council questionnaire has been improved but it is still rather one sided. There was a report from a tree expert and it did say that a few of the trees could be removed over time: but it did not say that one third of them should be removed straight away.

“This will have a devastating effect on the street scene, as well as reducing the benefits which the trees provide in giving shade in summer and vital habitats for wildlife. If you want to save the trees, you need to go to the Council website now and give them your views…or better still write to your local councillor about it.”

Here are some of the comments made by local people on our on line “Save the Trees” petition:

* The trees are scenic, and provide both shade and a relief from the concrete structures.Trees are important Please do not commit an act of Vandalism

* The trees provide a haven to escape the concrete surrounds – don’t remove them, in fact you should be adding other trees into the city

* We need our trees to have a green city centre, it would look awful without them!

* Why on earth would you want to tear down beautiful trees that add character to a town centre that is so bland, for no reason what soever. Peterborough is gradually being turned into a soulless city by our council

* These trees are such a magnificent feature to our built environment, why would anyone want to remove them

* I don’t see any reason to take tese trees down, especially in light of the City Council’s Environment Capital aspirations

* 100% behind this petition – the trees along Bridge Street are beautiful and should be retained. Please don’t tell me the plan is to take them out to make space for further burger vans!

* Always thought Peterborough was a green city. Leave them trees alone you bullies

* Even though I vote conservative this is out of order, they would have been better off planting trees on Cathederal Square than those stupid fountains.

* Having lived in Peterborough since 1988 I have found the city centre trees to be an absolute delight, especially the ones down Bridge Street! They hsve become like old friends! Do not slaughter them! Help your ‘green’ credentials and give all visitors to Bridge Street a breath of fresh air, coutesy of the trees!

* Cathedral square is barren and unattractive enough being just a mass of concrete. To cull the trees on Bridge Street would just make it worse. We need more tree and plants in the centre of town not less.

(C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Hertfordshire Constabulary: Police appeal after digger used to raid Tesco store ATM cash machine

 Hertfordshire Constabulary : Police appeal after digger used to raid Tesco store ATM cash machine

Herts Police are urgently appealing for witnesses and information after a mechanical digger was used to steal the cash machine at a Tesco Express store.

The incident occurred at 3am this morning (Sunday October 23) after a gang drove a digger, believed to have been stolen from a roadworks site on the M25, into the front of the Tesco Express store on Porters Park Drive, Shenley.    The digger (back hoe loader) was recovered in nearby Radlett Lane.

Detective Sergeant Yvonne Carroll who is leading the investigation said: “We are working to trace those responsible for this crime, which has caused substantial damage to the store. If anyone has any information, no matter how small a detail, please get in touch via 101.

As the vehicle used was stolen from the M25, I’d appeal for residents beyond Hertfordshire’s boundaries not to discount anything they may have seen that raised their suspicions in their local area – a suspicious vehicle in the early hours of this morning, for example - and please contact us in Hertfordshire."

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE on 101 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Saturday, 22 October 2011


The sign looks impressive but obviously a hoax - or is it?

Postal Scam email from Parcel Delivery Service

Crimestoppers has recently received a number of enquiries regarding a chain email warning people about a postal scam that could leave you £315 out of pocket.

The email is a hoax and the information is untrue. If you receive the email please ignore it.

In addition several newspapers, local councillors and internet bloggers have taken it at face value and mistakenly been posting warnings about a new PDS scam doing the rounds. It's a HOAX EMAIL !!! Read on....

" Can you circulate this around especially as Xmas is fast approaching - it has been confirmed by Royal Mail. The Trading Standards Office are making people aware of the following scam:

A card is posted through your door from a company called PDS (Parcel Delivery Service) suggesting that they were unable to deliver a parcel and that you need to contact them on 0906 6611911 (a Premium rate number).

DO NOT call this number, as this is a mail scam originating from Belize. If you call the number and you start to hear a recorded message you will already have been billed £315 for the phone call.

If you do receive a card with these details, then please contact Royal Mail Fraud on 020 7239 6655."

The statement from PhonepayPlus about a chain email concerning an alleged postal scam which is being circulated on the internet.

PhonepayPlus, the UK premium rate telephone services regulator, is aware that a chain email about an alleged postal scam is being circulated on the internet. The email refers to the Royal Mail, Trading Standards and ICSTIS (PhonepayPlus' former name).  PhonepayPlus appreciates that recipients of the email may want to find out more information about the alleged scam and has therefore issued the following statement:
The chain email refers to a service (operating on 0906 661 1911) that was shut down by PhonepayPlus (then ICSTIS) in December 2005. PhonepayPlus subsequently fined the company that was operating the service, Studio Telecom (based in Belize), £10,000.

The service is NO LONGER running and has NOT been running since December 2005.

You do NOT need to contact PhonepayPlus, or the Royal Mail, about this service as it was stopped almost six years ago.

If you receive a copy of the email warning you about the alleged scam, please do NOT forward it to others. Instead, please forward the statement from PhonepayPlus.

If you receive a delivery card through your letterbox which you do not believe is genuine and which asks you to dial a premium rate number, you can contact PhonepayPlus on 0800 500 212 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) for further guidance.

For more detailed information about PhonepayPlus’ work, please visit

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Thursday, 20 October 2011


British expats living in Spain have been urged to help as investigators launched the latest hunt for criminals on the run in Spain, among them a "high-risk" paedophile, a drug trafficker and several alleged murderers.

FREEFONE:  900 555 111 

SOCA and Crimestoppers are jointly appealing
for help in finding 10 suspects.

The first, Dominic Stephen Powell, 48, from Coventry is a high-risk sex offender, wanted in relation to a string of allegations of child abuse attacks and making indecent images. Powell, who has been jailed in the past for paedophile offences, is wanted by South Wales Police. STOP PRESS POWELL ARRESTED ON OCTOBER 20th IN SPAIN 

Simon Dutton, 34, from Bolton is a suspected drug trafficker linked to the importation of cocaine from Spain for sale in north west England - drugs with a street value in excess of £1,600,000 have been seized as part of the operation. Dutton is wanted following a joint operation between Greater Manchester Police (GMP) and Soca.

Andrew Terrence Moran, 29, from Salford, Manchester fled the country in 2009 as he went on trial for carrying out a £25,000 armed robbery of Royal Mail guards. He was convicted in his absence for the cash in transit theft in 2005 in Colne, Lancashire.

Kirk Bradley, 26, and Tony Downes, 25, both from Liverpool, escaped a prison van in Manchester en route to a trial at Liverpool Crown Court for conspiracy to possess firearms to endanger life and conspiracy to damage property with intent to endanger life. They are both wanted by Merseyside Police and said to be "dangerous and violent".

Derek McGraw Ferguson - also known as William Murdoch Henderson - 47, from Glasgow, is wanted over the murder of Thomas Cameron in 2007 at the Auchinairn Tavern, Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow. Ferguson has a string of distinguishing marks including tattoos of an arrow and a dagger and a chunk missing in his left ear - Strathclyde Police say he is considered dangerous.

It is alleged that Allan James Foster - also known as Shaun Michael Wilkinson - 39, from South Shields murdered David "Noddy" Rice in Marsden Bay car park in May 2006.

Meanwhile William "Buff" Thomas Robert Paterson, 32, from Glasgow is wanted over the murder of Kevin Carroll, who was repeatedly shot in the car park of an Asda supermarket in Robroyston, Glasgow. He too is said to be considered dangerous and violent.

Kevin Thomas Parle, 31, from Liverpool is wanted in connection with the murders of 16-year-old Liam Kelly in Liverpool in 2004 and Lucy Hargreaves the following year - Ms Hargreaves was shot then set on fire. Also wanted is Christopher Guest More, 34, from Cheshire, who was part of a gang who killed a man who refused to hand over cash after they travelled to a remote farmhouse in Cheshire. He is also wanted for the attempted murder of a second man and for the false imprisonment and assault of other victims present during the incident.

Callers from Spain can contact a special freephone Spanish 900 555 111 telephone number which will be answered in the UK by Crimestoppers call agents. Information on crime can also be passed on anonymously in the UK via the Crimestoppers number 0800 555 111.

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Tactical Fireams and Dog Units deployed in Park Farm Police Operation

As witnessed by PFNW, who just happened to be posting a letter, the Local Neighbourhood Policing Team executed  two warrants under Section 23 of The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, during the morning of Friday 23rd September 2011, at addresses located in Shamrock Close, Stanground and Delph Court, Park Farm.

Both properties were then searched through the day by a specialist Police search team. Also involved were the Tactical Firearms Unit, the Dog Unit, Crime Scene Investigation, the Crime Investigation Team and the Stanground/Park Farm Local Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Many high value items were seized and two arrests were made for the theft of a motor vehicle and possession of a controlled drug with intent to supply.

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Police to hold Stanground Open Air Neighbourhood Surgery on 23rd October!

Stanground Residents can informally discuss local crime issues as Cambridgeshire Police are holding the latest of their popular neighbourhood surgery events outside St. Michael’s Church in Mace Road, Stanground on Sunday, October 23rd between 3pm and 5pm, all invited.  Visit  for further information and dates of other events.

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Could Dale Farm happen here?


The long awaited eviction of residents and 'freelance ' demonstrators at Dale Farm, nr Basildon, Essex  started this morning with a classic distraction ploy of keeping the target audience talking at the front door whilst the bulk of the action took place at the other end of the plot.

Hopefully now that the protests have been seen worldwide through non stop TV news coverage, for personal safety reasons everyone will now climb down from the scaffolds and life will carry on... It won't happen of course, as some will carry on until the bitter end, but what concerns our neighbourhood is that Basildon Council have apparently given the travellers a comprehensive list of other 'authorised' sites and apparently Cambridgeshire features high on that list.  To clarify we have now seen a copy of the list which has been handed out to a number of former 'residents' of Dale Farm. Sources tell us that Basidon Council is now denying any such list has been circulated.   

Given that travellers do have rights, one has to wonder why they see the need to put down permanent roots in one particular place, and many of the structures are mobile homes in name only, but more the type of chalet homes you find on upmarket parks. Simply those semi-permanent structures are not designed to move once the initial jockey wheels have positioned the unit in the first place.

In the case of Dale Farm, legal action has been dragging on for ten years - mainly at taxpayers expense and hopefully this will see the end of the current activity.  We can only hope PCC are watching the videos and will not fall into the legal mess and public relations disaster that has surrounded the flawed Basildon Council approach, to say nothing of the estimated £15 million plus budget to be picked up by local ratepayers.

Clearly Cllr Tony Ball, leader of Basildon Council, needs a substantial amount of professional media presentational training and perhaps our own leader Cllr Cereste to give him a few pointers in how to sell impossible situations to the media?  Clearly a massive fail on Basildons part, hopefully never to be repeated here.

Supt Roe from Essex Police had a far more relaxed and polished view of the situation, in a businesslike press conference address (without notes) he revealed that advance intelligence stated  that 'weapons, fluids, objects and materials' were being stored ready to be deployed against police and bailiffs. One person had been tasered,  two officers injured. Three arrests had been made.  The majority of the violence was from the [imported] protestors rather than the travellers (many choosing to leave before today) he claimed.

It will not have escaped your notice that with the old folks home in our neighbourhood being knocked down, an earthworks and chain linked fence has appeared all around the extensive island site and other open spaces have recently seen the addition of fences, gates and bollards to prevent access by 'travellers'.

This does not really tackle the problem. Perhaps some of the abandoned / redundant RAF airfields and other mothballed MOD property could  be harnessed to provide hard standing  and a selection of sites for those who feel the need to roam?

Simply the days of the friendly traveller in a traditional horse drawn caravan selling clothes pegs and bunches of lucky heather, has long gone as the current generation seem to rely on metal recycling, jobbing building, driveway block paving and tarmac black topping. One enterprising family in this neighbourhood has even taken to cleaning and spray washing wheeliebins!

However the Dale Farm situation plays out, we can only hope that 'lessons have been learned' and that should the situation arise here then a far more balanced approach, with all agencies equally involved, will be taken...

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Your City ~ Your Council, Meeting 12th October

Full Council Meeting 12th October

The meeting began with a statement from Cllr Irene Walsh in her role as chair of the War Memorial Fund. Clr Walsh explained the fund had not yet reached the halfway mark. (The majority of the money already raised, comes we understand, from Cllr Sharps term as Mayor).

Money was now being raised from school children (£200 from a group visiting Ieper [YPRES] in Belgium ). Cllr Walsh suggested more money could be raised by asking OAP’s to contribute....
Cllr Walsh then not content with raiding childrens pocket money and OAP Pension books then distributed large brown envelopes to the assembled council requesting a cash contribution from councillors at the meeting, and to top it all, further asked Councillors to seriously consider donating money from their CLF funds (this is the £10k money pot given to councillors to spend in their wards; however as we have previously reported much of Stanground’s fund has been spent in Dogsthorpe and other areas).

All councillors agreed to co-operate in organising a jobs fair for young people. Cllr Sandford made the point that by contracting out council services to Enterprise, Serco and Vivacity, many jobs had been lost within PCC. Cllr Cereste (leader) said that contrary to newspaper headlines, there had been a small improvement in the jobless levels level in the City ie they had fallen.

It emerged Bridge Street Police Station faces closure, with the front desk being moved to Baynard Place, but some administration offices inside the buidling would still function. Th new desk at Bayard Place would be manned by Police civilian staff.

The decision to cancel the fireworks fiesta on road safety grounds was discussed. Councillors expressed anger they had to read the final decision in the ET and had not been informed in advance of the outcome. Cllr. Walsh admitted she ‘could do better on communications’.

Cllr Scott (Cabinet member responsible for childrens services) faced questions following the recent OFSTED findings. Labour councillors queried why she had not fallen on her sword and resigned as had John Richards. Cllr Scott appeared flustered and answered she did not know how many OFSTED reports had been completed over her time in the role, if it was 4 or 5; all had berated her department, and said she viewed OFSTED as ‘only a snapshot’.

Cllr Scott continued: She thought resigning would be ‘the easy thing to do’ and thanked her collegues for their support, some councillors thought that Cllr Scott somewhat missing the point that she is there to protect the disenfranchised children and that she was not the victim. Again councillors expressed anger they had heard of key decision in the ET and had not been advised personally. Cllr Scott held out little hope of an immediate improvement, darkly suggesting this would only be achieved over a period of time specifically twelve to eighteeen months ....

The issue of verge parking was debated at length, with political point scoring batting across the chamber. Various ways of combatting the city wide problem were discussed such tree planting on verges to stop anti social parking problems. Presentations were to be made City wide at Neighbourhood Councils, explaining the legal/civil problems PCC had in controlling this issue but some pilot schemes had been carried out in Dogsthorpe but for some reason the trail although successful had not been continued.

Section 106 money was the focus of a question to Cllr Hiller. he explained the money was divided 65/35. 65% of the money was spent by the council on long term plans, with a strategy already in place. The remaining 35% (called POISE) was allocated to neighbourhoods. Neighbourhoods would decide where the money went with reference to neighbourhood committees, and a long term plan which the committee would themselves draw up.(Section 106 is the money paid over to tghe council by a builder when a new development of new homes/ factories/ warehouses etc  is built).

New 'No Drinking Zones' were voted though, covering swathes of Millfield. Confusingly perhaps, they only become ‘no drinking zones’ when alcohol drunk in public is physically confiscated by a Police Officer. The scheme had party wide support however and may cover much more of the city in the near future.

And finally, you will have read councillors have been issued with new fully expensed I-Phones. Not everyone has taken up the offer or is happy with the deal.  That aside, we could not help noticing that the council member for Barnack. Cllr David Over, played constantly (i.e. not putting it down or turning it off) with his new acquistion thoughout the formal meeting. Should have all the apps loaded by now!

(My thanks to Alex and all at the Beadles office).

Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

iphone or I don't phone?

iPhone or I don't phone?

Following our earlier story today (see below) of all councillors being offered iphones, we have submitted a Freedom of Information request asking for a list of councillors in receipt of iphones. Requests (if accepted) normally take a few weeks for a reply.
(The illustration is a gold dipped iphone, not suggesting any of our councillors have one of these, but.......)
Morag Irving

.. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581

George Orwell Blog Competition

I am very proud to announce we have been entered for the prestigious George Orwell Blog competition. More details to follow. In the meantime thank you for all your support and kind comments

Morag Irving/Julian Bray.


. (C) Stanground & Park Farm News 2011 E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ..... ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICE: 0345 4564564 OR Dial 999. If you have any information about crime contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to Court. >> Broadcast Quality ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & ATX >> Media Enquiries: JULIAN BRAY 01733 345581