....and a big hand for our refuse disposal operatives... seriously a few people can give themselves a seasonal pat on the back, the newspapers and TV news bulletins are full of moaners saying their bins are full to overflowing. The provision of sand/grit bins and public spirited residents clearing snow and ice have ensured that our dustbins have been cleared and that the Dustcarts are able to get down previously iced up and frozen steeply inclined streets.
Calling Cards...
We would also gently ask that if you know of any elderly people living on their own, that you pay them a friendly visit just to check that all is well. We've had reports of a couple of deaths over the holiday period, sadly this is the 'flu season and this year the bug is by all accounts a nasty one. I'm told that local GP's still have small stocks of the jab and if you've not had one yet, make it a priority as this years cocktail also contains the swine flu element.
Winter Vomiting Bug - Norovirus
Fact: Wherever people congregate, a breeding ground for the so-called Winter Vomiting Bug / Norovirus is instantly created. Seriously consider that all hand contact, however slight, with surfaces such as switches, door handles, stair rails, wall, mobility aids, supermarket trolley handles and schools are points of contamination. The contaminated hand touches your mouth and the contamination chain is complete.LATEST: Peterborough Hospital along with several others has been placed on BLACK ALERT. Do not attend A&E if you have any form of cough,flu, etc Telephone your GP or NHS Direct instead.
The most effective way to prevent your family getting sick is almost obsessional hand washing with running hot water and soap for at least 40 seconds before you eat or snack and after all bathroom visits. Children returning to school will see a rapid increase in cases, simple handwashing might just help reduce your exposure to infection.
All change!
We hear that our ace Neighbourhood policing team will shortly see a few changes, new faces, new ideas. As soon as we have the details we'll pass them to you.
Meanwhile for those leaving or transferring to other areas, thanks for all your help making this one of the low crime areas of Cambridgeshire. We intend to keep it this way.
Paint scribblers...
There are still a couple of spray paint morons on our patch and as the rest of us think their pathetic scribbles say more about their sad state of mind and the viability of the last remaining brain cell than any artistic merit we would ask parents and guardians to question their children if they go out loaded with any form of aerosol paint can. These are easy to spot usually 9 inches long, circular and have 'Spray Paint' written on the label, seriously these cans can also be used for some forms of 'sniffing' so a little domestic sleuthing might even save a life or two.
(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581
Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT
All Press Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581
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