NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING TEAM NP Sergeant: SIMON GOLDSMITH Tel: NEW NON EMERGENCY NUMBER 101 NP Constables: Rob Giffen, Neil Fraser & Matt Marchbank PSCOs': Shirley Beswick, Stuart Craig, Tina Griffin, Mohammed Haleem, Tania Weston, David Holland & Lloyd Ledgister.

POLICE Neighbourhood Panel Meeting [Chair Chris York]: Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th January 2012 at Mace Road Church Hall, Stanground 7pm to 9pm. All residents WELCOME!

NEW NON EMERGENCY POLICE NUMBER 101 or call CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 PFNN EDITED BY JULIAN BRAY (NEWSDESK 01733 345581). We welcome your comments. We serve Stanground, Park Farm, Fletton, Cardea and Woodston neighbourhoods.

Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Association is registered with Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network (England & Wales) Registered Charity No: 1133637 and Company No: 7592594

Monday 7 February 2011


The ASBO may be on the way out but in its place comes the CBO - the Criminal Behavior Order and pledges to immediately tackle low-level offending, and all forms of street crime. Police are to be given new powers to immediately confiscate iPods, stereos and other status symbols just as big-time criminals face confiscation orders. In addition troublemakers can be immediately banned from town centres and street corners for up to 2 years.

Julian Bray Chair, Park Farm NeighbourHood Watch comments:"A 'Community Trigger' can be used where more than five people make a complaint. We have to say that in our neighbourhood, Peterboroughs' Park Farm and Stanground, the local police panel are very 'on the ball' and do not wait for 5 complaints - one phone call or e-mail from PFNW is usually all it takes. We have over 100 people armed with camera phones constantly on the look out, with the new Community Order, the offender can face confiscation of his/her prized assets on the spot, such as an iPod or 'phone and made to put right any damage or graffiti without delay. It however goes without saying that if parents would exert some parental responsibility for the actions of their offspring, much of the nuisance would stop immediately. It cannot be right that a child (or adult)is seen by the parent, relative or guardian leaving the house with several large aerosol spray paint cans! The new measures are welcome and will certainly speed up what has to now for some areas been a long drawn out process."

Police are also to be given powers to force culprits to make immediate amends as an alternative to Court action. Offenders repairing the damage they have created, mending fences, clearing spray paint tagging and putting right other forms of graffiti or a litter pick. Failure to agree to do the task leaves the Court option available.

Under Criminal Behavior Orders, civil injunctions will be obtained "within hours rather than months" to stop nuisance activities, court orders will be immediately available to close a propertyand fines for people who have been a persistent nuisance.

(C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Peterborough UK Tel: 01733 345581 Broadcasters direct call ISDN 'down the line' 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722 & APT All Press Enquiries Julian Bray 01733 345581

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