NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING TEAM NP Sergeant: SIMON GOLDSMITH Tel: NEW NON EMERGENCY NUMBER 101 NP Constables: Rob Giffen, Neil Fraser & Matt Marchbank PSCOs': Shirley Beswick, Stuart Craig, Tina Griffin, Mohammed Haleem, Tania Weston, David Holland & Lloyd Ledgister.

POLICE Neighbourhood Panel Meeting [Chair Chris York]: Next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th January 2012 at Mace Road Church Hall, Stanground 7pm to 9pm. All residents WELCOME!

NEW NON EMERGENCY POLICE NUMBER 101 or call CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555 111 PFNN EDITED BY JULIAN BRAY (NEWSDESK 01733 345581). We welcome your comments. We serve Stanground, Park Farm, Fletton, Cardea and Woodston neighbourhoods.

Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch Association is registered with Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network (England & Wales) Registered Charity No: 1133637 and Company No: 7592594

Friday 13 May 2011

Stanground Association AGM minutes

The financial records as held by The Charity Commission

We've published the Stanground Community Centre AGM Minutes to ensure they get as wide a distribution as possible. The next committee meeting is on Tuesday 17th May  2011. We will be asking why the Charity known as Stanground Association No:  271705 has not filed any documents with since 2006, just a mere 1,542 days overdue and rising .....


Stanground Association

A Registered Charity
No 271705

Stanground [Community] Association

Annual General Meeting

Held on Monday April 18th 2011

At Stanground Community Association

1. Welcome

The AGM began at 19:15hrs although advertised as starting at 18:30hrs. The reason given was a quorum of members had to be present before the meeting could commence. The AGM coincided with a Bingo session this would commence at 2100hrs, certain seats/tables were unavailable, as they were allocated for Bingo.

A request was made for the locked shutters to be pulled up and locked in the open position before any members of the public were admitted to any part of the building.

The chair and charity trustee Alan Brian Coulson (ABC) began the AGM with a long statement from the stage. It was noted that no other trustees or committee members were invited to sit with him and accordingly did not make their identities known to the members within the area of benefit.

ABC doubted the legality of the meeting claiming the AGM was ‘illegal’ due to the lack of advertising by Peterborough City Council and accordingly wanted it recorded in the minutes that ‘no committee member should be held responsible’.

ABC further stated he did not believe the meeting had been advertised for the required 21 days,[ however it is the duty of the committee members, who are inter alia all trustees of the registered charity to perform this function].

ABC stated he did not believe PCC Officer Lisa Emmanuel, and did not believe what she said (that the meeting was legal and proper) was correct. ABC further added he wanted the minutes, taken amongst others by a connected trustee, his daughter Amanda Eddings (AE) to reflect this. He continued for a further 15 mins on unconnected matters, refusing to give up the microphone.

During this period ABC turned his attentions to the leader of PCC Marco Cereste who attended as an observer. Various allegations were made, none connected with the business of the AGM.

Document continues>>>>>

ABC then returned to further query where the posters had been placed, as he had not seen any [which begs the question why ABC and his connected trustees, manager trustees of the registered charity and/or committee members had not also posted them in the first place].

ABC then questioned the floor, was told by a member in the audience they had indeed seen the poster, but ABC seemed reluctant to believe this. The meeting however continued.

2. Apologies were received from Mrs P. Ayers and Mr C. York (CY) [on Election duties] a full member in the area of benefit. Morag Irving(MI) a full member in the area of benefit, then formally from the floor, offered apologies from Mr Christopher Harper, a full member in the area of benefit (CH), who was on Election duties [Mr Harper was subsequently on May 5th elected Councillor, Stanground East]

Cllr Brian Rush (BR) had requested to chair this meeting, but this had been refused by ABC, who without consultation, said he would carry on until a new chair was appointed.

3. Adoption of Financial Report

Copies of the unaudited accounts were then circulated and accepted.

4. Matters Arising

Mr J. Mason asked why the accounts had not been audited, the chair was assisted by an intervention from Cllr Marco Cereste who stated from the floor that the legal requirement was that unaudited accounts could now be accepted if they were checked. Ray Lloyd informed the floor that the checking process was being completed.

5. Adoption of Committee Report

Jack Cumberworth (JC) then read out the Committee Report which in précis form:

Thanks to ABC from the ‘chat club’ & they had put ABC forward for a Pride of Peterborough award.

A grant of £1,000 had been given by Peterborough City Council to refit the kitchen (a comment from the floor noted: no refreshments were offered at the AGM, the kitchen remained closed)

JC said it was difficult to find who was in charge at PCC when help was needed, but did not enlarge on this point.

The pre-school group no longer met at the centre as they had problems of their own.

‘Social’ bookings however appeared stable.

Copies of the full report are available from the secretary

ABC then stood down as Chairman to make way for the new election.

ABC then volunteered that he was going to Glasgow to collect a ‘new’ coach next week, claiming that Stanground was the only centre offering this service but it was not supported by PCC, although BR had supported the servicing of the vehicle. ABC also mentioned he had started servicing the coach himself.

6. Election of Officers.

Note: All nominations must be proposed and seconded by full members resident in the area of benefit and all votes cast have to be by full members resident in the area of benefit. Connected trustee denotes a family member or relative to another elected officer/member.

6.1 Chairman Elected: Alan Brian Coulson (Connected Trustee) (by Open Vote show of hands) Proposed by Glen Vincent and Seconded by Jack Cumberworth

6.2 Vice Chairman Elected: Jack Cumberworth (Connected Trustee)(by Paper Secret Vote) at request of Cllr. Rush.

Jack Cumberland 27 (Connected Trustee)

Julian Bray 8

6.3 Secretary Elected: Julian Bray (Unanimous Vote)

6.4 Treasurer Elected: Ray Lloyd Proposed Pearl Coulson

6.5. Booking Officer: Amanda Edding Proposed by Cllr. Brian Rush (AE Connected Trustee)

6.6 Publicity Officer: Glen Vincent

7. Council Representatives: The AGM was informed two PCC representatives for the Stanground Association are: Cllr. Brian Rush and Cllr. Irene Walsh

8. Representatives for Section Groups:

8.1 Bingo TBC

8.2 Carpet Bowls TBC

8.3 50+ Keep Fit TBC

8.4 Chat Club Iris Cumberworth

8.5 Whist TBC

Full Committee Members (and Charity Manager Trustees)

9.1 David Dent

9.2 Morag Irving

9.3. J. Thomson

9.4. I. Cumberworth (connected trustee)

9.5 R. Thompson

9.6 Christopher York

9.7 Pearl Coulson (connected trustee)

At the suggestion of Lisa Emmanuel, PCC, any Committee Places still vacant and available on the Committee can be discussed at the Full Committee meeting on Tuesday 17th May 2011 at 8pm.

10. Auditors/Accountants: Millen & Co Chartered Certified Accountants agreed and were voted as Auditors/Accountants to the Stanground Association

11. Recommendations for the first meeting of the General Committee: Proposal to gift 10 hours a week for youth activities C. York (by letter)

12. Date of next committee meeting:

Tuesday 17th May 2011 at 8pm.

Julian Bray

Secretary, Stanground Association

Tel: 01733 345581


Compiled from contemporaneous notes taken by Amanda Eddings, Morag Irving and Julian Bray.


.. (C) Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch, Peterborough,UK E&OE Tel: 01733 345581 ALL ENQUIRIES LOCAL POLICE: 0845 4564564 >> Broadcast ISDN 01733 555319 ISDN Codecs G722& OTHERS >> Media Enquiries: 01733 345581 Skype:Julian.Bray.UK

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